(OOC: Yep, Xenophobia is a word for a Phobia of Aliens and other Strangers. Xenophobia is an Alien, thusly, Xenophobia.)
Xeno removes his/her hood, revealing his/her shoulder-length, straight hair, along with a pair of headphones, playing loud music. A single antennae pops up.
You see... I am...
He/she draws a single sword and grabs an antennae. Xeno cuts the antennae off and cringes. The Antenna stump bleeds lightly and curls up. The fragment in his/her hand smokes slightly and then spreads out into the normal, gray hair that adorns Xenophobia's head.
An Alien. These antennae aren't just hair, they're a part of my body. They allow me to utilize ESP, read minds, and Analyze almost anybody. Probing, I call it. In fact, with these, I can see, hear, feel, and even pick up radio signals.
Strangely, as Xeno had been speaking, the curled stump had been growing. As he/she finished, his/her antenna was fully grown again and back in its usual state, as if nothing happened.
Hey, Mister, why are you guarding? And... Why are you holding those chains? It'd be easier to fight me barehanded, if that's what your planning to do. And um... It's 2010. Sexism ended some hundred and ten years ago.
Xeno shakes his/her head and hops back again, drawing his/her other sword with telekinesis and allowing the other one to be held by telekinesis.