It began with a device…A device that would reshape how Mobians lived their lives,known as the roboticizer.Invented by Sir Charles Hedgehog,and his assistant,Julian Kintobar,the roboticizer was originally created to aid those with a physical handicap,but Julian saw other purposes for it.He brought his ideas to King Frederick Acorn,and the high commanders explaining how the device could be used to deal with the escalating issues with the Drakanian Empire.King Frederick,and his high commanders rejected his idea,and scolded him for even thinking about transforming anyone into a mindless machine.
Furious,Julian decided to take matters into his own hands,and with the help of his nephew,Snively,he poisoned King Frederick leaving Angelia’s powers in the hands of Prince Maximillian Acorn,but while the king looked to the future, he never knew what fate had in store for him.Julian had secretly reprogrammed all SWATbots to obey only his ,or Snively’s commands,and assembled a diverse force of machines to do his dirty work.His takeover of Angelia was swift,but his conquest of the planet was even more astonishing when he achieved supreme victory.
Majority of those who were adults were roboticized,and sent to labor camps across Julian’s,whose new persona was now Dr. Robotnic,sprawling industrial metropolis,Robotropolis,while young kids,and teenagers hid to avoid capture,but the most sinister of Robotnic’s plans was when he sent King Maximillian to the Void.Hearing this news let the world know that all hope was lost.
The safest area was on Angel Island.Undetected by Robian radars,this island would become the last beacon of hope for Mobius.General Armand D’Coolette re-organized the Angelian military on the island,at the newly built Angel Rock military academy,and with a solid number of new recruits,help from Gatto,an underground military factory on Angelia,he would use all these resources to push back the Robian war machine.
Ten years later,Prince Elias Acorn,who is now eighteen,has decided to give up his status,and his right to the Angelian throne to join alongside other soldiers,in order to avenge his father.These are the stories of Captain Elias Acorn,Sigma squad,and the perils they encounter during the Robotnic Wars.
(This story takes place six months before Sally Acorn forms the first Freedom Fighters.)
Sonic the Hedgehog presents
Chapter One:A day in the life of Captain Acorn
Kontar City (mid-day)
A soft female voice echoed in the back of Elias’ mind ,as he glided over the city.The sun barely peaked over the tenement building making them shine as bright as gold.Elias continued to look,observing the clear skyline ,and breathing in the crisp morning air.
As the voice got louder the city began to change The sky went from an ocean blue to a dim-lit sun covered by dark clouds of smoke ,and fog.The sounds of gun fire ,and men yelling replaced the silence,as his weightless body soon realized that he was flying inside of a Zephyr gunship.
?:â€Elias!!...Captain Acorn!!!â€
He knew what this meant,he was having another episode.A strong hand shoved his shoulder ,and he snapped out of it.Elias’ nerves caused him to jerk from the sudden shock of realizing he was day-dreaming.He turned to find his comrade, Dondan looking at him in an awkward manner.
Elias(scratching his head nervously):â€Man,you scared the hell out of me,Donny!!â€
Dondan held on to the railing of the Zephyr gunship that they were flying in with one hand,and gave off a slight smirk.Dondan knew Elias since they were kids,and although they hated each other when they were young-they learned to grow together like brothers.Dondan was much larger than Elias in height,and body mass.He could easily separate a SWATbots head from its shoulders with his bare hands,but at the same time he had good medical skills,which made him a valuable asset to the team.Dondan could’ve became leader of Sigma squad,but knew that he lacked the leadership skills Elias had.
Dondan(smiling,stepping back from Elias)â€Sorry,sir!Ya just had me worried, that’s all!!â€
Elias(grinning at Dondan as he sits in his seat on the Zephyr)â€Good lookin’ out Donny,but for your information I was having a private thought!!â€
Dondan(giggles,and turns looking out toward the city)â€Yeah-if ya say so ,Captain!!â€
Elias smiled,as he slowly turned his head back to the city.Looking at it now he could only wish that his dream was reality,this was war.Robotnic’s forces had seized control of an area not far from the Angelians fortified base,Fort Kontar.It was now up to Elias,and Sigma squad to stop this threat before it reached them.Elias sent some of his troops to back up an Angelian battalion to ensure victory,while he,and Dondan dealt with other issues,but what seemed like a perfect plan now had Elias sitting on pins,and needles.honestly to Elias this wasn’t about holding a controlled region it was about getting revenge on those damned machines for what they did to his family ,and kingdom,but he knew that personal agendas could jeopardize his mission.
The Zephyr zigzagged at great speeding through the city’s war-torn buildings ,dodging ,and swiftly flying over any obstacle in its way.The Zephyr’s gravity rotors whined as it sped around the beaten metropolis so fast it was amazing how Elias,and Dondan held themselves inside without falling out.
Elias(looking up at Dondan)â€How long before we reach them, Dondan!?â€
Dondan(looking at his holo-wrist device)â€twenty miles,and closing!Ya think they can hold’em off that long ,sir!?â€
Elias(looking away from Dondan)â€Don’t know…we’ll just have to hope for the best!!â€
The Zephyr flies out into an area full of smaller two-story buildings.It continued to maintain great speed flying lower to avoid enemy contact,but the pilot suddenly noticed a blue ball of light coming towards the Zephyr.He looks closer ,and realized what it is.
Zephyr Pilot(frightened)â€INCOMING!!!â€
Elias ,and Dondan look at each,and before they can say anything the Zephyr is struck by an energy blast from a Robian Anti-aircraft gun.They can feel the Zephyr slowly falling to the ground as the engines died with a fading hum.Elias’ feet slid to the edge of the blast door opening,where he managed to grab the railing.He frantically tried to regain his footing,but the smooth metal flooring of the gliding gunship made it hard for him.
Elias(Scared,and struggling to get back in the Zephyr)â€Ssshhiiit!Ugh!SHIT!!â€
Elias used all his muscles to yank himself back into his seat,but with each try he can feel himself getting weaker.Dondan managed lunge forward ,and grabs him by his chest plating with one hand,and the two of them braced themselves for impact.The Zephyr’s alarms signaled death,as the it glided a few feet above the buildings.
Elias(clenching the railing,looking up)â€Well,Dondan,if it all ends here at least we can say we died for a cause,right!?â€
Dondan(looking around for a way out of this problem)â€Ya really think that!?â€
Elias(frowning)â€Hell no!This is gonna suck!!â€
The Zephyr hit the ground,and skipped across the ground letting out an ear-shattering screech until the nose finally slammed into a pile of rubble.The ship spewed blue flames from its engine on top,as sparks shot from area all over it.The blast door rattled,and squeaked as a large boot kicked the at it.After three ,or four more kicks the door finally flew off the hinges revealing a dark figure crawling out of the wreakage.Dondan carried Elias on his back as he struggled to move away from the tattered gunship.He was tired ,and covered in dirt,his body ached from the crash-landing he just endured.
Dondan(debilitated as he carries Elias)â€H,hang on,sir…We’ll…â€
The Zephyr exploded into flames with a loud boom,causing Dondan to collapse-dropping Elias along with him.Elias managed to muster up enough strength to pull,and prop his body up against a wall.He took deep breathes to regain his strength,his head was spinning as his vision came back into focus.Dondan slowly pulled himself up from the ground squinting his eyes,and rubbing his ears from them ringing due to the explosion.
Elias(tired,and resting his head against the building)â€Nice save,Donny.â€
Dondan(catching his breath )â€â€¦Yeahâ€(cough)
Elias lifted himself to his feet using the wall,he grunted while doing so.He looked up at the sky as he dusted off what he could on his uniform.
Elias(walking towards Dondan)â€Did you happen to catch where that blast came from?â€
Another blast streamed overhead covering everything in a dim blue tone.Elias,and Dondan watched it travel then looked at one another.
Dondan(looking down the battered street)â€Looks like a mile,or two just south of here!â€
Elias(walking past Dondan,patting on his shoulder)â€Well lets go pay them a visit!â€
Elias continued onward ,while Dondan runs back to the wreakage.He finds the dead body of the pilot,and retrieved his holo-tags from around his neck.He kneeled by the chared body ,and lowers his head in mourning,with his eyes closed.
Dondan:â€Sorry…May Saint Claire guide you through the afterlifeâ€
He turns,and runs to catch up with Elias,who’s already a few feet up the street.
Elais,and Dondan cut through an alley that led to an open street filled with pieces of debris from Zephyrs,and Angelian Gatto fighters that were on the wrong end of the Robian anti-aircraft gun.Across the street from them stood a small two story building,a former bakery that stood right on the corner of the street,now surrounded by SWATbots,and a staging area for their weapon that sat atop the building.
Elias,and Dondan caught sight of this,and took cover behind a downed Gatto fighter.
Dondan(Apprehensively checking behind them)â€So-what’s the plan,Captain?â€
Elias(peaking around the Gatto fighter)â€That goddamn gun did all this…â€
Elias pulled out his pistol,and checked the plasma clip to see if it’s full,and then pulled out a grenade,looking over at Dondan.
Elias:â€We take it out so this mess around here doesn’t go resolvedâ€
Dondan(holding his Reverb shotgun)â€Sounds like a damn good plan to meâ€
Dondan cocks his shotgun,with a slight grin on his face.
Elias(examining the grenade in his hand)â€I’ll deal with the bots by the front door,and make a dash into the building,you be ready with that support fire,we’ll take out this platoon, and blow that gun to hell,and high heavenâ€
Two SWATbots stand guard by the front door of the bakery as a grenade rolls across the ravaged pavement between the two of them.They hear it ,look down,and dive away from it,but get caught in the blast.
Elias(looking around the downed Gatto fighter)â€NOW!!â€
He made a bee-line for the front door ,but as he does ,a few SWATbots on the second floor of building positioned themselves in its battered windows ,and open fire on Elias.He danced around the shots,looking around for cover.
Elias:â€SON OF A BITCH!â€
Dondan looked up just in time,and opened fire on them,allowing Elias time to dive behind a pile of charred metal.The blast of energy from Dondan’s shotgun shattered a SWATbot’s head,leaving it standing stiff as a board.The remaining two SWATbots continued firing,pinning down Elias.
Elias(yelling toward the sky)â€Dondan,gimme some fuckin’ cover fire!!â€
Dondan blind-fires over the cover of the downed Gatto fighter,popping off two or three shots with his shotgun then crouches down.
Dondan(yelling into his wrist comm-link)â€What the hell do you think I’m doing,sir!!â€
Elias tried to peak at the SWATbots positioned in the bakery,but the shots whine past his face too fast.He leaned his head against the blackened metal heap he had took cover behind,and shut his eyes,breathing hard.
Elias(speaking into comm-link)â€Dondan,change of plans!!…â€
Dondan listens in confusion to Elias,as the SWATbots’ shots ping against his cover.
Elias stares blankly at the ground,watching the blaster fire hit the cobbled street .
Elias:â€We’re gonna rush’em!!â€
Dondan’s eyes widen when he hears this.He starts breathing harder,and his hands begin to shake.He knew that to rush into that building could be suicide,but as fast as he feared realized it was either now ,or never.Dondan tightens his grip around his shotgun,and shakes the thought of dying out of his head.
Dondan(now standing up)â€Let’s do it!â€
Elias reloads his pistol ,and pulls his sword,the Frederick soulfire, from out of the leather holster strapped to the back of his armor.The sword was made ,and named after his grand-father, the former king of Angelia.The blade was a shining silver,with blue stripes etched into it,and the hilt was decorated with a small emerald shard in the middle of it,which is said to give the blade its ability to shred clean through metal.
Elias(speaking into comm-link)â€Those tin-heads should be reloading soon,the minute they do we’ll go in,and clear’em out!â€
The SWATbots seize fire,the area is silent,and as the winter air blows Elias ,and Dondan make their move.They stay low,out of sight of the unknowing SWATbots,who have already re-positioned themselves in the windows.
Dondan notices a SWATbot standing on the stairway,by the front door,and charged at it knocking it down.As he stood up Dondan yanked the head off sending sparks,and mega-mac spewed out.
Just then Dondan noticed another SWATbot coming up from the basement taking aim at him.Just before it takes the shot Elias steps in behind Dondan,who’s stiffened by the sight of the SWATbot.Elias takes three crack shots at the bot hitting it two times in the chest ,and one right between its red visor.
Elias(looking back at Dondan)â€Stay down here,and check to see if there are anymore!I’ll deal with the upper level!â€
Dondan nods his head still a bit shaken by the fact that he could’ve died just a second ago.
Elias rushed to the second level of the bakery,and bursted into a room where the two SWATbots from earlier were waiting.He unleashed a flurry of slashes,and within seconds the SWATbots are nothing more than pieces of scrap metal.
Meanwhile,Dondan enters the basement .He pulled out his collapsible war-hammer,and went to work on the remaining bots,maiming,smashing,and crushing anything that got in his face.
Elias continued to the top of the building,now seeing the Robian AA-gun for the first time since the Zephyr that was carrying them was shot down by it.He started walking towards it until he heard footstep coming towards him at a high speed.He turned around to see a SWATbot Captain charging at him.It nearly knocked him off the edge of the building,but Elias managed to get around it,and with his pistol in hand he points it at the bots head.
Elias(mumbling)â€Piece of shit!â€
The SWATbot Captain swings the back of its fist into Elias’ chest,knocking him into the AA-gun.
Elias’ sword ,and pistol fly out of his hands,and on to opposite sides of the roof.The SWATbot runs at him with a strong metallic fist drawn back.It’s red vision receptor focuses on its target, and metal feet clanged against the rooftop with such force that it sounded like a steam train rather than a robot.Elias moves his head in the nick of time as the bot’s fist slams into the side of the AA-gun ,leaving a large indentation on the side of it.The sight of the dent shocked Elias,and he quickly made a dive for his pistol,but as he slid he felt a sudden tight grip around his ankle.He turned over to see the SWATbot holding his leg.He struggled to reach his pistol,but the bot’s grip constricted,and before he knew he was being lifted off the ground by the SWATbot.
Elias(shocked expression)â€Whoooa shit!!â€
The SWATbot held Elias upside down by one leg.The crimson glow from its visor,and the jet black armor made Elias all the more upset that he had been caught.
SWATbot:â€TARGET:subdued.IDENTITY:Elias Acorn:Prince of Angeli…â€
Elias jerked his head away as a sharp spike pierced through the head of the SWATbot Captain.It’s hand loosened ,and Elias fell to the ground.He looks to see Dondan behind the SWATbot,holding his war-hammer as he tosses the impaled heap over the edge of the roof.
Dondan turned,and walked over to Elias,who is still in awe by Dondan’s sudden appearance.
Dondan:â€This is the second time I had to save yer ass today,Captain!â€
He reached out to Elias to help him up .
Elias:â€Umph,Yeah,yeah,don’t pat yourself on the back just yetâ€
They both stand looking at the AA-gun.
Dondan:â€Welp,guess we ought to get to work ,right?â€
Elias(putting his sword back in its holster)â€Gimme a boost,i’m gonna stuff one in this damn thing’s glory hole!â€
Dondan lifted Elias up near the barrel of the AA-gun.Elias pulled out a grenade ,and sets it for five minutes.
Elias(throwing grenade down the barrel)â€From Angelia with love!â€
This grenade banged from left to right as it traveled down the barrel of the AA-gun.Elias,and Dondan make a run for it downstairs,and out the front door of the bakery.They turned around just in time to see the Robian weapon exploded into a cloud of blue,and white flames.
The two of them turn,and start trotting down up the street just north of the bakery.
Dondan(looking forward)â€Well,all in all I’d say that went pretty good!â€
Elias(looking forward)â€It could’ve went better!â€
Dondan looked over at him.
Elias(looking at Dondan)â€We could have a few thousand troops ,and about a few hundred Zephyr backing us up!â€
Dondan looked over,and grins at Elias.
Elias(looking forward,smiling)â€Heh,I could only wish,right!?â€
They run off into the fog of war to their next destination.