SegaSonic Station/SVT Comics > Role Play Zone

Incandescent Boulevard

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Ace now noticed a second opponent, this one, apparently being the actual threat.  He had to act fast.

"Shadow might not be susceptible, but flesh and blood is!"  Ace shouted drawing the only thing he had that could possibly be considered a weapon.  It was a long black machete whose scabbard was attached to the back of his armor, the blade a magnesium alloy that was sharpened nearly to the atom.  He swung at the pole slicing through it with enough speed and precision that the blade scarcely made a sound, and were it not for it's unbalanced weight, it would not have begun to fall.

"Now for the so called 'Shadow'" he muttered whirling around turning on the headlamp in his helmet.  Alex prepare shields for use as a dielectric field.

"If you're thinking what I think you're thinking we could both fry, how about we use that as a last resort?" Alyx responded, knowing full well when he'd said "Dielectric" that he was going to use the soon to be exposed electrical wires, in conjunction with his shields to turn himself into one giant capacitor.  The plan, while brilliant, was also insane.  Funny how those two coincide so often.

Ace's mind was processing a better way as she was retorting.  Brute force is useless against photons, unless we're talking black hole size, so the opposite of a photon, or a lack there off would likely have the same properties.  Light however can be scattered and absorbed.  So if black paper, absorbs white light, then what would absorb the black paper.  Supposedly enough photons hitting it would cause it to simply combust from the heat produced, but I can't generate that much light that quickly.  But in the event of a shadow, photons cut right through it, however this has taken on a physical form..... But it does respond to brute force, if it's not harmed by it.....

His wheels continue to spin, using every bit of data he and Alyx know, as due to the nature of their link then can to a certain extent pick each other's brains, trying desperately to find the most effective solution with minimum collateral damage.

She falls. Her human body twisting feline like in the air to orient itself properly to the ground and as always, "Nyteshade" Amara Evangel lands on her feet. Sort of. If one could consider it landing...

The shadows claim her before she can touch the ground and she dissipates into their the dark, comforting embrace quite literally.  If one could manage to slow down the process enough to analyze, one would see that she does become completely incorporeal for a single moment of time while her body becomes something that isn't strictly matter before disappearing.

Her voice echos across the area with a macabre stereo tonality that seems to surround the trio seeming to come from the dark environs itself.

"A Shot and a miss. That's one. You only get three you know."

Placing the machete back in it's scabbard Ace's pulse and stance return to normal.

"Alyx, tell me you recorded all that" Ace said to his A.I. keeping the conversation inside the helmet.

"Oh, I've got it alright, but it'll take hours to analyze the data." Was her response.  "Why'd you even rush in anyway?"

"That scream, it was.... wrong somehow.  Like it shouldn't exist" he digressed

"Either way we're involved now, and what about them" Alyx says, indicating the two who had stood idly by, and had been seemingly invisible to the shadow beast.  While incapable of physically pointing she was able to cause nerve stimuli to indicate them.

"Well, let's ask" Ace said turning to face Lenny and MACCA. "What the hell just happened?" Ace asked.  The statement being the only part of the conversation audible outside his helmet.

Lenny shrugs. Once again proving his voice box was kind of a pointless install. When MACCA returns to him mobile RAID. There's suddenly an ocean of pure white light, causing all living beings to shut their eyes in pain. The flash lasts around four seconds, and anyone who didn't avert their eyes quick enough is left with pain in their eyes. MACCA catches up with the recording of what happened while he was out of body, and recognises the voice.

"Agent Surv? I didn't know you were in active duty! Is this creature a military threat?"

Before Ace can even manage to reply the darkness around them hums dangerously.

"Little boys shouldn't play with lightning it makes for an electrifying experience..."

Anyone that knows Nyteshade well enough knows this is one of her favorite tricks, to seemingly disappear from battle, all the while observing her enemy from the darkness, waiting for an apt time to counterattack.  While they are talking is always a good time for an enemy to be distracted. So attack she does.

In the form of shadow lightning. Super charge shadow bolts rip out of the darkness around them, not particularly targeting any of them, its more of an area wide affect. It is both showy and dangerous, anyone caught by one of those streaks of energy would be scorched pretty badly, as if he had been struck by real lightning.


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