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Sonic History

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SVT number 1 fan:
We all know everyone here likes Sonic, but how did you learn about our blue blur? Explain your history of Sonic the Hedgehog to show how you've felt about the true blue ever since you met about him. I'll start us off:

I technically found out about Sonic when I first saw this site, but back then I didn't know Sonic was a real Video Game character. After going around enough in the store one day, I found Sonic Adventure to play, though I mistook Sonic for a cat named: Ombok Vorana (No idea who I actually got that name, but then again I was only seven) The store guides kept getting the wrong game when they asked me what he looked like, when I found the game name, I learned of the true name of the game and I got it for my 8th birthday. I got so hooked I enjoyed every game, even ones that people call trash like Sonic Next Gen and Sonic Unleashed. Though I believe the 2-D games are pretty suckish, but I still play them, they just appeal less to me because I have less moving freedom in the games than the 3-D games.

I then decided to come back and learn more about Sonic from this site, but then I learned my ald fanfic account was wiped out (whoever I even was) when a crash came on that section. I started writing stories again taking the name of SVT number 1 fan. But I hadn't done really good and couldn't get a good story that made perfect sense, so I went to take classes and evolved me skills. I hope to one day get Sonic back to the top where he belongs.

PS: I once aasked Sega if I could Beta Test Shadow the Hedgehog, but I ended up getting two copies of it and so much cool video game stuff for free. Just with a letter.

I first started with Sonic 1 on Genesis. I rented it from Lancaster Video. But I didn't really get into it at the time. I wasn't able to really play much of it at once, as I had a lot of other things to do  (school work, ect..). When the two american cartoons started (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM Sonic), I started enjoyed them both. Watching one every day before school and the other on saturday mornings. That christmas, my grandmother got me Sonic 2 for genesis and my parents got me a Sonic plush. From then on, I was hooked.

These days, like many Sonic fans, I've become a bit jaded. However, I try and save that attitude for SammySega Sonic, and not the classic Blue Blurr I fell in love with. That's why many times, whether it be art designs, Roleplay, ect.. I tend never to stray further than the Sonic Adventure games. Not because I'm slow and behind, but because since then, I've yet to see a Sonic game that I can sit down, and really get into. So for me, that's where Sonic left off. SA2 =P (heroes wasn't bad, but I don't concider it a main game. More like a side thing, like Spinball or 3D Blast/Flicky Island on Genesis)

Zonic Mirage:
I started out watching people play Sonic 1 on the Genesis back in 1991. I didn't end up getting one of my own until Archie started the comic. Yeah, I became a fan of the Sonic games through Archie, go figure.

I got a Genesis 2 in 1993 for my birthday, which came with Sonic 2. I slowly started building my collection of games. I've still got my Genesis, and I own Sonic 1, 2, S3&K, as well as Sonic Spinball, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Sonic 3D Blast. I even have Japanese versions of Sonic 1 and Sonic CD. I've also got a few for the Game Gear and the Adventure games for the Dreamcast (I got my DC on launch day, awww yeah).

Since then, I've lost all respect of the franchise, thanks to Sonic PS360. Pretty much haven't bought any console Sonic games after Secret Rings (the delay in button presses/Wiimote tilts and screen action, as well as the generally bad design killed it for me). The DS games like Sonic Rush/SRA are annoying, but otherwise playable. I would also like to try Sonic Chronicles at some point. I've heard that game is pretty good.

I'm still a Sonic fan to be sure. I wouldn't be here if I weren't. =D It's thanks to drawing Sonic characters that I draw and have my evolving drawing style. It's also thanks to Sonic that I know HTML from designing fan sites.

I got my Dreamcast on Launch day too. I only had enough money with me to buy one game. So what'd I buy? Sonic Adventure! lol. I've got a few imports too. Sonic 2 for the Mega Drive (Europe version, not Japan) and the SA2 Multi-Dimensional soundtrack.

And yes, Sonic Chronicles is actually fun. Different, but fun.

Sadly, unlike you, my art has devolved, lol. I used to draw all the time, but it just kept getting worse and worse, until I just gave up for the most part. I still draw, just not often anymore.

Ever since my hands were big enough to hold a remote I've played Sonic. Sonic 2 was my childhood obsession, but when our Mega Drive died I lost sight of my favourite hedgihoggu until about 2004, when I got Sonic Heroes.
Thanks to the internet, I caught up on everything that had happened to Sonic and friends in the gap inbetween, and done my best to play the games I missed. Now I'm a full on fan - my leavers jacket (brand new!) even has 'TailsHedge' on the back!
I've got every game since Heroes with the exceptions of the advance games, Zero Grav (I'm working on that), and Shadow the Hedgehog.


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