SegaSonic Station/SVT Comics > Artisans/Comics Zone
Your Characters
Well, I know this is a fanart board, but since there isn't a board for regular art and this is the Artisans Zone, I figure I'll start this here.
The challenge? Find a way to artistically represent your OC. You can draw them, paint them, digitall draw them, do photoshop, cosplay them, or even make a sculpture of them. You choose, but show us your OC. And remember, it must be origional art! No finding pictures online and saying that that's what your character looks like.
So let's see it. I'll put mine up before too long when I get a chance to make it. ^.^
Have fun!
Here's a sort of brief shot of my OC Illeana.
Not the best image, but it was fairly quickly done.
Sorry it's taken me forever and a day to post here, things have been happening to me, Brother moving out(He still hasn't posted here, maybe I should bug him more about it.) and moving in with me and one of his friends into our new place, moving furniture from my mothers place to our new place, it's just so, tireing*BLAH WORD IS SPELLED WRONG BLAH!*. BUT,
Your OC's picture is really good. I might have to commission you for a pic of Umuku some time in the future. Which brings up a kinda of important question, for when I do commission you, do you have a paypal?
C-Commission? *squeal* That would be very cool. Uhm...I do NOT have a paypal. Or rather, I have an account, but none of my information is on it and it's not active.
This is a second character I have. His name is William. I haven't gotten around to making a character sheet for him yet, though I do have an eleborate story planned out for him and I'm DYING to role play him. Even if it means having to get a bunch of friends on IM one night. He's the one who I would start a new role play with if I get around to it. FYI, he's a werewolf.
Epic, tis good for you to have many characters, it's always nice to have spare characters in the wings, just in case something goes horribly wrong with one of them. Trust me I know. NOW, onto other topics, You have a Paypal, yes? Organize it, and with in a few....weeks, possibly, I will have a decent amount of money in it. I will then be able to send you money, via Paypal for a, C.O.M.M.I.S.S.I.O.N.
If you cnaont raed taht tehn you hvae a shgilt pborelm. Also, in an unrelated issue, If you haven't noticed, I misspelled a few words back there, the funny thing is, you could still read them the way they are actually spelled. The funny thing is, your brain is actually only reading the first and last letters of the word, it is then cross referencing the word in your mind and allowing you to read it as it actually is. So, if you spell something like smeohtnig, your brain will still conceive it as something, because the first and last letters are in the same place as if the word were spelled correctly.
Not sure if I was 100% right on that little factoid there, but, it sure is interesting isn't it?
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