SegaSonic Station/SVT Comics > Artisans/Comics Zone
Mobi can... DRAW!?!? (maybe)
So, I saw Trisha posting her own art thread, and I realized that I had not yet done the same on this forum :(
So, here! Have some artsies! =3
A little fan art for Bumbleking Productions' "3B" comic, hosted right here on SVT =D
Just a little sketch I did for a friend of Shard (The Metal Sonic) fighting Silver Sonic III
A preview Panel from a comic I'm helping with.
An anthro character I created for a friend's comic.
And I'll post more later =P
Hope y'all enjoy!
Trisha Aurora:
Dude!!!,This is Just Amazing!,
So very detailed!!!:D I loved every piece!, keep it up! You've got Wicked skills!
--- Quote from: Trisha Aurora on April 06, 2013, 12:26:21 PM ---Dude!!!,This is Just Amazing!,
So very detailed!!!:D I loved every piece!, keep it up! You've got Wicked skills!
--- End quote ---
Haha, thank you Trisha! It always means a lot to me to get compliments like that =)
I actually sent in a portfolio to Archie comics recently, so hopefully the feel the same way about my work =P
Thanks again, and have some more artsies! ;D
Trisha Aurora:
Again, Very nice work! :D.
Your Art reminds me loads of Archie comics for some reason!.
Very amazing work!
--- Quote from: Trisha Aurora on April 08, 2013, 09:26:51 AM ---Again, Very nice work! :D.
Your Art reminds me loads of Archie comics for some reason!.
Very amazing work!
--- End quote ---
Thats good, because I want to work for Archie Comics someday ;D
Anyway, heres some stuff I worked on and finished recently:
This one was a world-wide contest winner! I'm really proud of it =)
So, apparently I can draw anthro now =P
Welp, this is scary XP
Mega Man and Break Man! ;D
Well, hope you like it guys! And feel free to critique me on where you think I need improvement, its the only way I ever learn. :)
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