SegaSonic Station/SVT Comics > Artisans/Comics Zone
Working on a new Idea
EDIT: See latest post below for new information on the comic!!! :D
Do you need like, characters for the background or characters for the main thing, cause, if you want, you could use my spare chara's that I'm not using at the moment(Points to Chara introduction topic.) I have a few spare chara's lying about, I'm sure you could use them if you wanted.
--- Quote from: grox on August 06, 2012, 06:34:44 AM ---Do you need like, characters for the background or characters for the main thing, cause, if you want, you could use my spare chara's that I'm not using at the moment(Points to Chara introduction topic.) I have a few spare chara's lying about, I'm sure you could use them if you wanted.
--- End quote ---
When it comes to background characters, then I'd be fine inserting some FCs, but as for main characters, I'm sticking to official Archie and SEGA characters, I'd prefer to stay away from the Sonic Fan Character Machine for now. :P
Heres a little bit of a rundown of the story I've come up with. Keep in mind not all the characters have been chosen yet, so depending on who I try to implement into the plot, the story's outcome might change slightly.
I'll be sure to post more when all the pieces have fallen into place.
It's all good, we're patient people around here, well, I'm patient any who.
The Comic is in Production!
Check out the preview pages! ;D
The comic is written by my buddy TheShadowEmperor, and illustrated by me (as seen in the previews), TheFatPanda, and possibly some other neat people!
We also have a number of other awesome people working on the Inks, colours, editing, and a bunch of other cool behind the scenes things, all of whome I will name as I remember their names =P
The comic is going to probably be hosted on Bumbleking Forums first, but I hope to submit it to SVT Comics once the new site is up and running (or the moment we finish the comic, whichever comes first =P)
But for now, enjoy these little preview panels, and check out the official thread on Bumbleking Forums!
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