There is a DOS demo from when we were still using the BUILD engine. DosBox should run it just fine.
As for a Windows demo, we have a sort of Concept demo. Basically it looks like a section of Green Hill Zone, where I was testing things out, such as Water, weather effects, platforms and music effects. Shig may or may not have it, but I sadly lost it in a format error. Not that it was of any importance to the game, other than me screwing around to get used to the new engine.
Due to our crappy programming skills and RL issues, progress has been insanely slow. But This is a project I don't ever intend to give up on. So new info will be released, as will a demo at some point.
I started this project in 1998 as a simple Duke Nukem 3D level. But I had a LOT of fun making it, and kept going, making level after level. I then turned it into an actual game project, and shortly later, Tails and I teamed up on it.
The story is written.. mostly. There's a few gaps still, since I don't write in a linear fassion. I write a basic plot, and build pieces as motivation hits. Thusly, I write the end before the middle many times, lol. The story to start is pretty simple, but evolves as the game goes on. Meaning, you don't know everything from the start, and it starts simple enough to get the feel for the game and world around you before the story progresses.
Gameplay is similar to a blend between Sonic Adventure and a First Person Shooter.
Adventure Field: The world around you. Most story takes place here, and the world is 'open', allowing you to explore, do side quests, ect..
Action Stages: Where the real action, and fast paced gameplay takes place
The main character is me, Solar. Now, I know most Sonic fans are like "WTF?!", but I did start this as a personal project 12 years ago =P
But not all is lost. Sonic IS a playable character too. Action Stage Missions often have choices. There are three styles of gameplay.
Sonic: Charge in and smash up some bots!
Solar: A mix of gameplay. Not as fast as Sonic, but you're able to use weapons, energy attacks and basic hacking skills

: I won't mention this character's name just yet, but he/she is more stealthy. Relying heavilly on hacking into computers, and remaining in the shadows.
Not all stages have all three choices, it varies stage to stage.
Now then. I know all of this may sound unrealistic concidering my free time, and lack of programming skill, and things may change as things progress, but these are Tails' and I's goals. What we'll shoot for as long as it's an option.
There's more details to the game, but I don't want to give out spoilers ^~