Sweet~ Enhanced Xeno's bio using this character sheet:
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/155/a/0/Blank_Character_Bio_Sheet_by_TtotheAFFY.htmlFull name: Xenophobia Vagrance
Pronunciation: What it says on the tin, my dear Watson.Nickname(s) or Alias: Xeno/X-Alien/Grey-Head
Gender: N/A; Ambiguous
Species: Superhuman; Sub-Species Alien.
Age: 12-13, Higher depending on RP's Timeframe/Constraints.
Birthday: July 2 @ 12:00 P.M. (The exact middle of the year, a reference to Xenophobia's neutralism and passive attitude.)
Sexuality: Pansexual/Bisexual
Nationality: Caucasian; Greek/Roman descent
Religion: Athiest/Mixed Beliefs
City or town of birth: Labanon, Smith County, Kansas, USA
Currently lives: Palm Springs, California, USA
Languages spoken: English | Greek | Latin
Native language: English
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5 Feet Tall; 6 Inches | 1.6 Meters
Weight: 100lbs | 45.3kg
Figure/build: Slim/Bony
Hair Color: Grey
Hairstyle: Shoulder-length, feminine straight hair, two hair antennae above the hairline
Eye Color: Grey
Skin/fur/etc Color: Pallor; Ivory
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Scars/distinguishing marks: None
Preferred style of clothing: A Bat Jacket and Goggle Cap with grey high-tops (Converse All-Stars?)
Frequently Worn Jewelry: None
Smoker?: No
Drinker?: No
Drug User? Which?: No. None.
Addictions: None
Allergies: None
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Extreme pain received from his/her hair antennae being removed; a specifically racial feature.
Any medication regularly taken: None
Personality: Neutral, Passive, Elaborate, Sophisticated/Analytical
Likes: Swords for vocational/recreational usage, human company, peace, silence, gender not being questioned, to an extent, fighting on the offensive
Dislikes: Gender being questioned, having to fight for non-recreational/defensive reasons, Hair Antennae being touched inappropriately.
Fears/phobias: an ironic and unique case of Xenophobia: A fear towards those who don't allow Xenophobia (the character) to read their mind.
Favorite Color: White, Black, Grey, and Silver
Hobbies: fencing, training, recreational swordfighting/'telekinetic shootouts', analyzing others
Taste in music: Trance/Techno/House
Talents/Skills: Telekinesis, Swordfighting
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: Avid skateboarder/hoverboarder, Capable/Novice driver, advanced skateboard user.
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore: Omnivore, leans further over to
Favorite food(s): Anything flavorful or spicy
Favorite drink(s): Sodas (A word from Xenophobia 'itself'
"Xenophobia: Actually, I prefer most carbonated/bubbly drinks")
Disliked food: Tasteless foods | Overly spicy foods.
Disliked drinks: Flat Sodas and Bitter Drinks; Also carries a dislike for vegetable drinks.
Describe the character's house/home: Xenophobia resides within a large, glass/airy-themed house on the shores of California, USA ([me]'s Note: California is such a huge state and is generally warm, thus, I typically use this state.)
Significant/special belongings: Diabolus Talea: Dual Katana/Gladius Swords |
Olympus Volatilis: Dual Nodachi Swords |
Vesica Mortalis: A Gladius/Claymore Sword
Level of education: Taking High-School leveled courses; Has the potential for Ph.D Level knowledge.
Qualifications: Mercenary, Analyst, Spy, Commando
Current job title and description: Student
Name of employer: N/A
Peaceful or aggressive attitude?: Peaceful unless otherwise provoked.
Fighting Skills/Techniques:-
Psycho Pulse is Xenophobia’s most commonly used technique. He/She collects a large amount of telekinetic energy in his/her hands or weapon and then blasts. This blast, no matter how intimidating it seems, doesn’t cause any direct damage to its target.
Sword Wind/Malum Undo are two similar techniques used by Xenophobia. Sword Wind, typically, is Xenophobia manipulating telekinesis while using a sword. Malum Undo is an enhanced form of the aforementioned Sword Wind technique, useable only while wielding Diabolus Talea. Malum Undo consists of Xenophobia accumulating evil/negative energy and thoughts from the surrounding area, using them to coat the blades of the two swords and fly off for a maximum of 20km, causing severe cutting damage. Distance, Damage, and Size are determined by the amount of evil/negativity in the surrounding area, Xeno’s emotional state, and Xenophobia’s intended power.
Special skills/magical powers/etc: Telekinesis, Malum Undo (see above spoiler)
Weapon of choice (if any): Aforementioned swords (Diabolus Talea, Olympus Volatilis, Vesica Mortalis)
Weaknesses in combat: Pacifistic/Hesitant initially, Gender insult/question-induced berserk state.
Strengths in combat: Berserk State, sword skill, telekinesis mastery, other languages,
Parents names: Xeal & Ms. Vagrance
Are parents alive or dead?: Deceased.
Is the character still in contact with their parents?: None; Parents are dead.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings?: Doctor Shirofuji, older sister, The Phobics, older, also ambiguous siblings.
Other Important Relatives: DJ Disaster (older Half-Brother)
Partner/Spouse: Partner, Spencer Specter
Children: None
Best Friend: Spencer Specter
Other Important Friends: Grandmaster Blurr/Cody Oroborus, Jac Queline DesBois
Acquaintances: None
Pets: Colby and Cheddar, two mice ([me]'s Note: A reference to Rob Dyrdek's skateboarding mice, Cheesy and Swissy)
Enemies? Why are they enemies?: None specific
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Xenophobia was born in an unknown period in 1997 C.E., born to a deceased, evil father by the name of Xeal in the world of Arad, also known as the underworld. At an early age, Xenophobia’s mother disappeared, never to be seen again, and upon that day, Xenophobia was taken in by his older, also ambiguous siblings, known collectively as the Phobics.
Describe their teenage years (11 - 19): Years later, Xenophobia found himself meeting a peculiar couple, a boy named Grandmaster Blurr and a gal named Heavenly Heaven during a scuffle in Frozenheart. This meeting changed Xenophobia’s already blessed lifestyle for the better. The trio set out on hunting missions, becoming assassins, executing evil beings and collecting their souls.
Describe their adult years (20+): None; Xenophobia is 12/13.
Xeno's Weapons...
-Two Engraved Katana-Gladius (Flat Side, rather than a complete wedge) Swords, Known collectively as
Diabolus Talea. The left sword is engraved with
Primoris Atrox, the right sword named a similar
Secundus Atrox. This is Xenophobia’s main sword set, being the two swords Xenophobia is most often seen carrying.
-Two Similarly Engraved Nodachi Swords, dubbed as
Olympus Volatilis, both given their own individual title (
Cruoris Amotio and
Abyssus Fatum) , unlike Diabolus Talea, due to Nodachi swords typically being used in a two-handed manner rather than in a one-handed manner.
-A Gladius-Claymore dubbed as
Vesica Mortalis. Xenophobia usually leaves this sword sheathed, but when unsheathed, Xenophobia will cut using telekinesis, using a fighting style consisting of Professional Wrestling and other Martial Arts styles, namely Capoeira and Dragon Form Kung-Fu