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Author Topic: Back in town  (Read 69912 times)


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Back in town
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:29:01 AM »

There seems to be a quiet hush that has come over this sleepy burg. People have come and gone, Fights of enormus magnitudes have been fought here. Yet, the city of SVT, is still trying to recover from it's fall from sight. A lone being, enshrouded in the fading darkness, walks towards SVT city. "I've been gone for a long time, I hope they still remember me." He stops a few yards outside of the city, he brings his left hand in front of his face, it begins to glow with a dark and foreboding power, it looks to be wreathed in a black flame. "I hope they remember the carnage that I once brought upon this place, it'll be good to hear some one scream my name in fear once more." Said the being as he lowered his hand and began once again, heading towards SVT city walking with the rising sun behind his back.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 02:10:28 AM »

Illeana walked through the city. It had been years since she'd been here. Sometimes she still couldn't believe that it had fallen to such ruin. If she hadn't been there before the fighting and the wars she might not have believed that it once fully functioned at all. Slowly she walked through, her sneakers splashing in the puddles beneath her feet. Her ear twitched as a rain drop hit it. Sighing she ducted under the awning of a building that looked like it had once been a bakery and hoped the rain would pass soon.

"I can't believe it's raining again. It feels like that's all it ever does anymore."

Soon, the rain was pouring hard, showing no sign of stopping. She slid down the wall into a sitting position, her tail wrapping around her front, eyes glowing a deep amber. As the sun began to rise she noticed a figure walking into the city.

"'s kinda' early for newcomers."

She watched as the figure drew closer, seeming to keep the darkness clinging to him.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 01:46:44 AM »

As the being went into the city, he pulled a rolled up piece of parchment from his sleeve. He unrolled it and continued walking, "According to this, I'm in the town known as SVT. What kind of name is SVT?" Said the being as he rolled the parchment back up and placing back in his sleeve, looking around, "This place is so strange, almost all the buildings here are, interesting. BUT, I'm here to gather a few things, namely, 'help'. Now, where oh where to, ah ha. There." Said the being as he spotted what looked to be a person under an awning. The being opened up one of his pockets and brought out 4 arcane looking cards. He walked towards the person that was under the awning while trying to decide which card he would pick.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 01:26:41 PM »

Illeana continued to watch as the figure drew closer. Slowly and as indiscreet as she could, she began calling fire to her, feeling her palms warm up just in case she needed it. She'd learned not to trust many, especially if you didn't know them.

I wonder what this character wants, she thought to herself.

As she noticed him flipping through something, she began to let her nails grow into claws, a trick her brother had taught her before she decided to go 'human' again. This figure felt like bad news and she wanted to make sure she was prepared. The rain picked up and she felt the water creeping closer to where she sat. As she stood up to keep her rear from getting soaked she pulled the hood of her sweatshirt up, covering her ears. Her tail twitched almost cat like as she waited for the figure to get to her.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2010, 07:38:44 PM »

The figure noticed the rain starting to pick up and the clouds reclaiming the sky. He felt his strength returning to him as he put his cards back in his pocket so as they wouldn't get wet. "Foresaken rain, I can't get my cards wet, the ink would be washed off of them. Guess I'll have to try a different approach." He continued to come closer towards the person under the awning, he noticed that the being had put up a hood on her head, but, she had no cloak from where the hood came from, it seems as though the hood is connected to her tunic. He also noticed that, the being was female and wearing pants, strange looking pants at that, and the shoes on her feet looked even stranger to him. (What a strange sight, a woman wearing pants, a tunic, and a strange set of shoes. I guess it goes with the territory.) Thought the stranger as he got closer to her. (Well, let's introduce her to what women are supposed to be doing, being my slave.) The stranger was getting closer to the woman, he was within 10 feet of her when he reached into his coat and unlocked the chain that was hanging on him. "What be your name?" Said the being as loudly as he could with out shouting.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 07:53:57 PM by grox »


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 04:11:39 AM »

OOG(Out of Game): Does anybody want to join in here or what?

Gale Fox

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2010, 05:55:45 PM »

(OOC: -Shrug- Anyways... It's your choice to interpret what little Xeno is towards your character. Illeana too.)

Xeno, being the lovable, androgynous, buttkicking softy he/she is, heard Umuku's question from his/her hiding spot within the rain and quickly attempts to respond.

I... am Xenophobia Vagrance.

Xeno's hair antennae twitch as he comes to sight, wearing a Black and White Muffler Robe (You'll eventually get why Xeno's clothing is almost always some equipment from Mabinogi.)

And you two are...

Xeno's hair antennae twitch restlessly and seem to gleam in the moonlight.

Ow, stop it!!! So... You guys... are... Umuku... And Illeana... Illeana Nightrain.

Clutching the hilts of his/her swords, he/she hops back a bit and his/her Cap disappears, as seen faintly from underneath his/her Robe.

I'm sorry, but if you harm me, I'll have to do horrible things to you.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2010, 12:25:36 AM »

(OOC: good to have you aboard, we'll try to get something done until Illeana returns from wherever she disappeared to. Don't know where, or I'd be bugging her to return and continue.)

Umuku noticed that the being known as Xenophobia(OOC: isn't that an actual phobia?) had almost appeared out of no where. "Ah, I see, a rogue amongst the ruins, you might be useful to me." Said Umuku, not taking his hand off of the chain inside of his cloak. "Though, I never said my name, how is it that you know of me, yet, I know nothing of you, Xenophobia Vagrance?" Said Umuku as he took on a defensive stance, preparing just in case either of these two decide to attack him.

Gale Fox

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2010, 09:24:25 PM »

(OOC: Yep, Xenophobia is a word for a Phobia of Aliens and other Strangers. Xenophobia is an Alien, thusly, Xenophobia.)

Xeno removes his/her hood, revealing his/her shoulder-length, straight hair, along with a pair of headphones, playing loud music. A single antennae pops up.

You see... I am...

He/she draws a single sword and grabs an antennae. Xeno cuts the antennae off and cringes. The Antenna stump bleeds lightly and curls up. The fragment in his/her hand smokes slightly and then spreads out into the normal, gray hair that adorns Xenophobia's head.

An Alien. These antennae aren't just hair, they're a part of my body. They allow me to utilize ESP, read minds, and Analyze almost anybody. Probing, I call it. In fact, with these, I can see, hear, feel, and even pick up radio signals.

Strangely, as Xeno had been speaking, the curled stump had been growing. As he/she finished, his/her antenna was fully grown again and back in its usual state, as if nothing happened.

Hey, Mister, why are you guarding? And... Why are you holding those chains? It'd be easier to fight me barehanded, if that's what your planning to do. And um... It's 2010. Sexism ended some hundred and ten years ago.

Xeno shakes his/her head and hops back again, drawing his/her other sword with telekinesis and allowing the other one to be held by telekinesis.

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2010, 03:41:32 PM »

Umuku brings out the 10 foot chain that he had wrapped around his body, and every 2 feet of chain there seems to be a set of shackles. "Some hundred and ten years ago you say? For me, it was just yesterday you strange creature." Umuku then seemed to relax a bit, "But, you seem to be a level headed being." Umuku then reached inside of his trench coat(OOC: Sorry, had a brain fart of what he was wearing.) again, He looked as if he was reaching into something. "How about this, you work for me, I pay you, we won't have to fight. Your first job, help me get 'help'. I'll even pay you, up front." Said Umuku as he then threw something at Xenophobia.

Gale Fox

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2010, 04:26:10 PM »

Xenophobia catches Umuku's strange object with ESP and sighs.

*Sigh* Help you get help? If I were to help you get help, I'd already be getting you help depending as to how you look at it.

Xeno pauses to clear his/her throat.

Anyways... How would I be assisting you if I were to accept your offer?

Xenophobia sheaths his/her swords with Telekinesis once more and then grabs the floating object.

What is this, anyway... Umuku?


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2010, 04:24:49 PM »

(OOC: Hope you don't mind.)

As Xenophobia opens up his/her hand, it reveals to be a wrapped up roll of some kind. "As I said, I shall pay you up front, considering I just threw to you, a 10 coin roll of silver. I figured it'd be enough. BUT, seeing as your, strange abilities, allow you to, do what ever it is you do." Umuku emphasized this by waving his left hand in a circle. Umuku looked as if he was getting weaker, The rain had stopped and the sun was coming out. He then put away his chain, reclasping it around his body. "Takes bloody freaking ever to redo this. Ah there we go." Said Umuku as he finished reclasping the chain. "Now, something different." Said Umuku as the clouds finally cleared from the sky revealing the Sun had risen over the crest of the hills behind him, giving off that night had changed into Day. Umuku reached into his right pocket and pulled out 4 cards. He fanned them out and looked at them studiously. "Hm, ah, that one." Said Umuku as he grabbed one of the cards he had fanned out, he kept that card out and put the rest away.

"If you can read my mind, You know what I am, You know what I can do, and, You know what this is." Said Umuku as he held the card. "Come with me, And, I'll introduce you to a world far beyond what you have seen here." Said Umuku as he kept one eye on the card and the other eye on Xenophobia. "That offer goes for you too, miss." Said Umuku as he glanced over to the woman under the awning.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2010, 01:44:28 PM »

((OCC: Sorry. College finals and final project consumed me. >.< But it's summer break now and I'll be online ALMOST every day again until August with the exception of a week in July when I'll be at my dad's.))

Illeana starred at the two, keeping her claws grown but hidden. She growled slightly in her throat. She pulled her hood back off and stepped out from under the awning now that it was no longer raining.

This is going to be either a very dumb move, or a very smart move. Either way, whatever they want or are doing may lead me to answers and help in what I need. Soo....or stop weighing options and just do it. She thought to herself.

"Okay. So, you're an alien..." she said motioning to Xenophobia, "And you're...well, even if the alien knows what you are, what you're doing and all that jazz, I can't read mind and I haven't got a damn clue. So, fill me in. I hate being left in the dark on things."

Her ears twitched and she tried to ignore the nagging voice in her head telling her that this is a bad idea.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2010, 04:29:52 AM »

(OOC: Yay, Illeana's back, huzzah!)

"Forgive me, it's, been a long time since I've had to deal with anyone else." Umuku straightens his back and bows towards Illeana, "My name is Umuku, I've lived for a very long time, and I just woke up from a very long sleep. My home is in disrepair. I was looking for 'help'." Umuku then begins to notice the odd things about Illeana, "I see your not a normal human, are you? Thanks to, him.(Waves his hand over towards Xenophobia.) I at least know your name, Illeana Nightrain was it now?" Said Umuku as he stood back up, still holding onto the card in his hand. But, under his breath, he began chanting the words on the card.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2010, 03:52:05 PM »

"You got the name right, and no, I'm not a normal human."

She cocked her head to the side slightly and twitched her ears.

"I'd suggest you stop mumbling whatever it is you're mumbling without telling us what you're mumbling about. It isn't polite."

She growled out at him, growing her claws a little bit more. She felt her teeth begin to change into fangs and prepared herself for a transformation if the need were to arise.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*
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