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SVT DeviantArt Group!

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Well, the old one, I think someone else technically has main control over the group, so Tails and I can't really ask for a password. The creator/owner of the group would have to, I think. Whoever that is, lol

I'm guessing either Rocky or Sonic Adventurer. Don't think the old one was actually a group though, just an account with the "SVT" logo on it. You could maybe ask them to take it down though, whoever it may be.

Zonic Mirage:
I had planned to upgrade the old club to a Group, actually. However, the password was misplaced. I can't remember what email it was attached to, but it probably used an old/deactivated email. I just made a new Group in its place.

(Sorry for the late reply, I was at an anime con)

SVT number 1 fan:
I'd like to join Deviant Art, but my mom says I can't until I'm 16, luckily that's in 4 and a half months.

Getting a bit slack here, guys.


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