"It might be a good idea if I interface with Alyx, with your permission of course, so that we can share information" MACCA intones politely. Lenny just grunts, angry that the lights keep going out.
"I should also inform you that neither of us are currently in active duty either. Lenny's military contract has expired, he is no longer employed as a mercenary for them, and with my project out of funding and the officers in charge re-assigned, I have nowhere to go, and no one to receive orders from." The floating head in the screen cocks slightly. Is it possible he was feeling abandoned? Or was this sign of emotion a computer glitch?
The black whizzing trail is visible from above. Nothing else in Metroplois can travel that fast, not even the bullet train that whizzes through the city's overground/underground monorail network. He's going so fast her eyes have difficulty following him. At least that is until-
"You look like the kind that might know. I'm looking for a star post. There's got to be one around here somewhere and I'm nearly up to fifty rings," his eyes dart back and forth quickly, he looks bored of her even before she has time to answer, and starts looking for an excuse to leave and go chasing rings again.
Fireball looks different, as he stands two inches above an air vent behind Nyteshade's head. For one, his fur is black, with bronze stripes like an inverted tiger. His shoes allow him to hover slightly off the ground all the time, and.. is there light shining from behind his red and black sunglasses?
Oh yeah, and he's a hedgehog again...
Dutifully, MACCA and Lenny followed Ace. They were the following type, not leaders. Lenny struggled to fit his hulking figure through the door frame. The attractiveness of Alyx's avatar was, again, wasted on a computer and an alien. Lenny headed directly to the kitchen looking for meat to devour, while the floating TV screen that was MACCA floated over to the computer system, to plug himself in.