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Author Topic: Incandescent Boulevard  (Read 22474 times)


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2010, 11:03:20 AM »

It just so happens that one of the dark bolts, like animated lightning, hits Nyteshade on the back of the head, then disappears again back into the darkness she has created. But its not one of her shadowy lightning bolts, its something far more solid. Even when she's made herself invisible, he was still able to spot the faint glow of the natural ring energy in her body, thanks to his new customised red sunglasses. It's only when MACCA uses his bright flash again, to elimatate the darkness, that a red and black blur is seen disappearing into a nearby alley.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 04:35:51 AM by Fireball »


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2010, 11:33:30 AM »

Ace's shields were depleted, and their generator fried.  It'd be a long night fixing them.  He was also hunched over from pain.  Even he hadn't had time to react to this one, and it had hit him hard.

"Not falling for it, whoever you are, though I have a feeling in CQC the tables would be quite turned."  Then returning to public speech "You still with me Alyx?"

"Yes, I'm fine, the jolt appears to have grounded itself  through"

"The shield generator, I know" Ace responded cutting her off "Anyhow, let's see if I recall.  Leonard, and MACCA.  No, I'm not on active duty.  I've been working as a programmer for two years now, but you know as well as I do there's no such thing as an Ex-Combat Cyborg.  As for whether or not it's a military threat, I don't know.  I received my honorable discharge, and was told I'd be on reserve status some time ago.  I however, was in the neighborhood."  I do however have a sinking feeling that all that is about to change.  Dramatically."

"Alyx, you think you got good enough readings to track that thing if I can plug you into the city's surveillance grid?" Ace inquired

"If the data is still intact I should be able to."

"Good" Ace commented, as he once again drew his machete.  "I'm going home to commence repairs to my suit, find this thing, as I'm now obviously involved, and hope some high ranking brass doesn't call me in my sleep.  You're welcome to join me if you wish.  I don't know which companies you guys are with anymore, but somebody's going to want answers, and details about what just happened here. And we're going to be their best sources."

OOC: For those who don't know CQC stands for Close Quarters Combat.
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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2010, 12:18:04 PM »

"You'd be surprised." she intones from the darkness. "But I've lost interest in you. I think I have an old acquaintance to catch.

She steps through the darkness, reappearing on top of one of the buildings, looking for the tell tale trail she things said person should be leaving.  surely he wouldn't disappoint her. She was so bored. He could be such entertainment when he set his mind to it. She was delighted he had found her, if true could be told and she longed to stretch her body in activity. The cyborg wasn't really her style and she didn't particularly care for how he played the game. But if this was indeed her dearest friend... that would be a different story.


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2010, 04:21:57 PM »

A cold wind was blowing.  Even through his suit it chilled Ace to the bone.  This thing was a menace, it needed to be stopped.  Who or what is this acquaintance?  Neither one of those problems would arise at a solution just standing here.

"Macca, Lenny, Unless you want to join me, this is where we part ways." said Ace as he started walking towards his apartment.  His bike couldn't support him in his combat armor.  Given that while wearing it he weighed twice what it did.

It took a little while, while he could make excellent time, his apartment was about 25 miles away.

Once there, he removed his combat armor and plugged Alyx into his computer.  No skimpy setup either.

"At last, a little room to stretch out" Alyx said as she was plugged in and spread an image of herself across one of the four screens (Top right to be specific).

Her projected image of herself was clad in black cargo pants, a pair of Marauder's Boots, a black tanktop, and a spiked collar.  Her hair jet black except a lock of pink which hung in front of her right eye, the rest of the hair tied back in a pony tail.  Bracelets of all sorts adorned her arms.  Had she been physically real she would've been quite attractive.

"Time to get to work girl" Ace said as he smiled up at her.  "Think you can track this monster"

"We'll know in a few hours if I can get a lock, I'm also trying to analyze the data on what produced these so called 'shadow beasts.'"

"Excellent, while you're doing that, I'll get to work on the shield generator."  Ace responded

The two settled in to start working through the night.
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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2010, 10:55:09 AM »

"It might be a good idea if I interface with Alyx, with your permission of course, so that we can share information" MACCA intones politely. Lenny just grunts, angry that the lights keep going out.

"I should also inform you that neither of us are currently in active duty either. Lenny's military contract has expired, he is no longer employed as a mercenary for them, and with my project out of funding and the officers in charge re-assigned, I have nowhere to go, and no one to receive orders from." The floating head in the screen cocks slightly. Is it possible he was feeling abandoned? Or was this sign of emotion a computer glitch?


The black whizzing trail is visible from above. Nothing else in Metroplois can travel that fast, not even the bullet train that whizzes through the city's overground/underground monorail network. He's going so fast her eyes have difficulty following him. At least that is until-

"You look like the kind that might know. I'm looking for a star post. There's got to be one around here somewhere and I'm nearly up to fifty rings," his eyes dart back and forth quickly, he looks bored of her even before she has time to answer, and starts looking for an excuse to leave and go chasing rings again.

Fireball looks different, as he stands two inches above an air vent behind Nyteshade's head. For one, his fur is black, with bronze stripes like an inverted tiger. His shoes allow him to hover slightly off the ground all the time, and.. is there light shining from behind his red and black sunglasses?

Oh yeah, and he's a hedgehog again...


Dutifully, MACCA and Lenny followed Ace. They were the following type, not leaders. Lenny struggled to fit his hulking figure through the door frame. The attractiveness of Alyx's avatar was, again, wasted on a computer and an alien. Lenny headed directly to the kitchen looking for meat to devour, while the floating TV screen that was MACCA floated over to the computer system, to plug himself in.


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2010, 11:37:21 AM »

"You'd have to ask Alyx that, not myself" Ace responded. "Lenny, if you're hungry there's some leftover pizza on the counter from two nights ago! Bacon and Sausage"

"Hang on, I'm tracking something.....  Jack in, I'll need all the processor power I can get" Alyx responded.

It was about that point that a buzzing sound was heard and Ace released a grunt of satisfaction as the suits shields recharged.

"Ace, there's also a call for you.  I believe you already know who it is" is what Alyx said next.

Ace swore loudly as he donned his helmet to take the call.  The conversation occurred in private.  Only when raising his voice could Ace be heard outside of his helmet, and even then it was difficult to understand.  Something about the sum of 250,000 credits was about all that could be understood.
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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2010, 09:01:34 PM »

She positively hate, hate, hated when Fireball was hyped up on a chaos high.
So Nyteshade does what she always does when he is. She punches him. Hard. Well... Clothes lines him.

"Yes!" she says with a brilliantly fake smile. "There's one right over ther-..." Her gesture begins innocuously enough, but ends with attempting to disrupt his chaos high with a forcible impact. It was common knowledge that a good impact would knock the emeralds, or in this case, rings out of a person and she was counting on the blow to knock some sense into Fireball and knock the annoyance right out of him, jittery little beast.


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2010, 01:12:47 PM »

Lenny devours the pizza, barely even chewing, and the cardboard box it came in, then continues his hunt for food.

MACCA plugs himself into Alyx's console and shared his processing power, and his understanding and knowledge of the situation with her. It would be a tender moment if either of them displayed much in the way of emotion.

"Oh dear," he exclaims, as he spots the first tweets and news stories of NyteShade's attack and realises the magnitude of the potential danger.

As the rings fly all around, like shards of glass as a mirror hits the floor, the dark Fireball is back on his feet only a fraction of a second after he painfully slams into the ground. A supersonic whizz and many of the rings are collected, except a few that flew out of his reach, down the side of the building. What follows is a succession of blows to the body struck by the spindashing hedgehog from several different angles, and then, again, the disappearing again, a loud whooshing noise and Fireball is gone again.


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2010, 03:06:31 PM »

She'd forgotten how fast he could be when he use that cheap spindash maneuver. It hurt. A lot. At First...

The first few hits tag her with solid smacks, but by the third she has gone intangible and by the 4th pass she is in the shadowsphere and out of his physical reach.

That wasn't very nice. Not Very nice at all...

Her voice resonates from the darkness before a gloved hand reaches out of his shadow and clenches down on his ankle, dragging him into the darkness. The chill grip of the negative space has him in its clutches for only a minute before he emerges, thrown at high speed towards a wall.  Nyteshade lands on the wall beside him, perched there like a spider wearing a gray-furred hedgehog form with silver hair.

"You're being disappointing, Freddy. Do stop it, won't you?"


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2010, 07:36:21 AM »

Alyx, while capable of emotion wasn't likely to display it.  She wasn't likely to take interest in what she considered to be obsolete hardware

"Good God" Alyx said "Ace you ready to move?  I've got a rupture, but it's not slipspace, it's something else, I don't understand most of the readings, but there is definitely a tear in space time."

"Give me 30 seconds, because I now officially have jurisdiction anywhere to stop this thing" Ace commented as he ducked into his bedroom where most of the armor was sitting on the floor.  And that second closet didn't contain clothing.

He returned at the 32 second mark actually.  Fully suited up, and heavily armed.  It was hard to count the number of weapons he was carrying.  The most notable of which was a .50 caliber rifle which he was still unscrewing the barrel from so that he could walk through doorways easier.

The floor creaked eerily with every step he took, he was after all weighing in at about 700+lbs right now

"Lenny, if you keep that up there won't be any food left!" Anyhow, it's time to move.  Alyx, you got it pinpointed?"

She responded, almost insulted "I don't see how I could miss an energy signature like that."

"Excellent" Ace returned as he placed his hand next to the unit that contained the card on which Alyx would store herself for transport between terminals, and to his uniform.  It may be small, about a quarter inch thick, three inches long, and two inches wide, but it could store petabytes data, which was good, as Alyx took up about 4 of them in her entirety.  Her image flashed briefly on the screen and she was ready for transfer, Ace popped the card into his suit and was ready to roll.

"You two up for this?" He inquired of Lenny and MACCA.
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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2010, 06:50:17 PM »

Fireball picks himself up from the wall, and dusts himself off. He looks around at the negative space, and looks bored. Not hurt, angry, or emotional at all, just bored.

"Is this part of the Special Zone? Are there any Chaos Emeralds around here?" He said in a voice reminiscent of a child in a supermarket.

"Gun" Lenny managed.

"He's right," MACCA stated, like he was translating. "The big guy is pretty useful with his fists, but he can handle a weapon. Have you got anything in his size?" The floating computer system disengaged himself from Alyx's terminal, and propelled himself to the door. "Take us to this being and we'll do what we can".


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2010, 01:37:25 PM »

Nyteshade canted her head with a long drawn out sigh. How boring. He was still stupid.

"You're Boring. I don't want you to be boring. Be less boring. Be less annoying. Be more..."

Her body blurs with motion and she collides with him suddenly, leaving a sonic burst in her wake. He reappears plummeting towards the street above the Swan Song Hotel and Casino. How fitting. How lovely...


Nyteshade stared down at the brightly lit street below, calling.

"It's a long way down! Enjoy the fall!"

The sight of a being hovering in midair by its own seeming volition would be enough to give anyone pause, assuming said person didn't grow up in Metropolis. People aren't too terribly phased by it there.

"Or hurt. That works too.  Either or, I'm not too terribly picky."


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Re: Incandescent Boulevard
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2010, 10:23:31 AM »

With some hesitation Ace tosses him a SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon, basically a heavy machine gun that doesn't need a mount, belt fed)

"No time to lose!" Ace shouted as he hit the streets and headed north,Ace took off and made his way up several flights of stairs so that he could travel by rooftop.  MACCA could fly, and surely Lenny could jump

"You got a fix on the source Alyx?" Ace spoke into his helmet comms.

"Affirmative, 1.2 kilometers and closing"

"Then it's in range" Ace responded drawing the sniper rifle from his back.

"Bet you didn't see this coming" He said as he stopped and scanned the horizon through the scope.  With the aid of a waypoint placed on his HUD by Alyx, he had this being in his sights.

There was a southerly wind which meant he could lower his scope to be on target, still as a statue, and twice as solid, he fires the entire clip in quick succession sending four .50 Caliber BMG rounds towards his target.

"Invitation's been sent, lets see if they accept" He comments as he drops the clip and pops in another.

OOC: In case anybody is wondering, no even Ace can't remain motionless during the recoil of the .50 BMG, however on him the recoil looks more like that of a 12 gauge shotgun.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 09:23:54 AM by UltraSonic »
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