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Author Topic: Back in town  (Read 70027 times)

Gale Fox

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2010, 06:51:12 PM »

(OOC: Finally! Welcome back, Illeana! Oh, and I don't blame you with the finals making you absent and stuffs. School was the reason I initially became a ghost on SVT.)

Hm, Hehe, none of us are normal humans. Well, technically, I'm not a Human at all, Scientifically, I'm a Pansapien or Heterosapien, depending on how you look at it. And Illeana, I sense little to no hostility from Umuku. If there's anything up, I could waste him with this

Xenophobia tugs at the regrown antennae, which seemed to be off on its own, hunched over to a side, a few strands of hair splitting from the main antennae, giving the image of it speaking.

And I wouldn't want you to have to find out how I do it the hard way.

With that statement, he/she begins to strip the Muffler Robe. While storing the Muffler Robe, he/she opens his/her jacket, revealing a white button-down. Xenophobia opens the button-down, revealing a torso covered in bandages. Stuffing the Muffler Robe next to his/her jacket, it disappears, and Xenophobia fixates his/her clothing to its normal state. Storing, the silver, Xenophobia pokes at the antennae more, glaring concernedly at Umuku.

So, where are we going now? Since I'm with such responsible, non-violent adults. Not that it matters, since I never really lived with my parents.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 07:00:45 PM by Gale Fox »

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2010, 01:30:00 AM »

Umuku stops mid chant and smiles, "Damn, and I was hopping to see what either of you would do, Oh well. Blasted sunlight." Said Umuku as he placed his hood over his head. He then pockets the card in his hand, he then pulls out a rolled up piece of parchment from his sleave. He begins to unroll it, "I come from a tower not too far from here." He finishes unrolling it and shows the two of them the side of the parchment that was facing him, revealing that it was a map. There's three places circled on the map, SVT City was one of the places circled on the map. "In fact, My tower is right there." He then points to the area in between the three circles. "You might know of it, Magus Veneficus. At least, that's what I call it. That, my, group. Is where we are headed." Said Umuku as he lowered his hand to his side. "Then again...You might want to know a little about me, don't you?" Said Umuku with a wry smile on his face.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2010, 11:37:20 PM »

Illeana retracted her claws and looked through narrow eyes at Umuku. Then she looked at Xenophobia and sighed to herself.

"If you're certain he won't do anything, then fine. No violence. So long as there's no more mumbling chants under one's breath."

She nodded her head toward Umuku after looking at the map.

" Who, exactly, are you? Why are you here? And what do you need us for?"

She asked, still skeptical. She could feel the desperate part of herself strangling the other part that was yelling at her that this was a bad idea and she no longer cared. So long as no one killed anyone and she got where she needed, she was fine with it.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2010, 05:28:10 AM »

(OOC: Hope you don't mind me doing what I'm going to do in this post. If it offends you, then I shall edit this post and we will work from there. That is, if it offends you.)

"Eh ha ha ha ha ha, Who am I, Oh, I'm sorry to say, I don't remember much, other than my name and my skills. Why am I here, simple my dear. I was looking for strong, powerful, people to, rebuild my tower. Seeing as it's fallen into disrepair, for the past few, centuries, I've been asleep. And what do I need you for, simple, you look strong and powerful, if our acquaintance over there (Points over to Xenophobia.) Hadn't arrived when he did. I would have tested your abilities with my own." Said Umuku as he began rolling up the map. "But, seeing as were all, as Xenophobia put it, responsible and non-violent adults, I don't see why I couldn't, afford, your skills." Said Umuku as he placed the map back up his sleeve. He then reached into one of his other pockets, grabbed something, and brought his hand back out of it, clutching what he had grabbed. "I'm sure, you could use, something like these to, buy things, where ever it is that you bought your strange garb you wear." Said Umuku as he threw 3 coins at Illeana. She caught the 3 coins, upon opening her hand she saw that they were 3 gold coins.

"I do hope that's enough for your services." Said Umuku as he relaxed his stance a-bit. Umuku then looked over towards Xenophobia, "You, still have yet to say whether or not you accept my offer. Then again, we could, no,*Places hand on chin* not right at this moment, once we get to my tower, yes, *Removes hand from chin and waves it in the air* once we arrive there, I will test your skills. See if you would be able to stand up to, something, of my understandable caliber." Said Umuku as he once again reached into his pocket, the same pocket he placed that card into. He then pulls out four cards, fanning them out he begins looking at them. "You do realize what I am don't you, Xenophobia and Illeana?" Asks Umuku as he continues to look at the cards.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2010, 10:16:52 PM »

She jumped a little at being thrown the coins and was unsure of what to do with them.

Who uses actual gold coins? She thought to herself. I still don't understand who this guy is other than bad. He seems like a mage of some sort, but...well, I suppose there could still be mages around. Why not? Everything else pretty much still exists, though I thought with the loss of knowledge there was a loss of people. Then again, he said he's been...what was it...asleep...for the last few...centuries? That can't be right. How would that have happened? Either way, he might be the ticket I need. I need to know what happened to Speed. Why no one else remembers him and what it was that took him away and where he is now.

After a good time babbling to herself in her head, she looked at Umuku.

"I still don't entirely understand what you are. You seem like a mage. Bad by the sounds of things, but who am I to judge? What's obvious though is that you deal in some sort of magic and you seem to need the assistance of other people. I don't know if my skills will meet what you need, but I learn quick and I know I don't know the full extent of what I can do. The real thing here is, you need people to help you, and I need someone to help me. A few years back my friend disappeared in some sort of accident. I don't remember much other than a bright flash and light and he was gone. Everyone assumed it was just an explosion or a bomb since the city had been fighting. Thing is, afterward no one else even remembered that he existed. So you need people to help you do whatever it is you want and I need someone who can help me figure out what happened to my friend."

After she spoke she wondered why she had spilled so much to him, but chose to ignore it because she was almost certain he could help her.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2010, 04:54:42 AM »

Umuku lowers the cards and smiles, revealing yellowed teeth, not so much as, coffee stained teeth or cigarette stained teeth, it was as if his teeth had just been, aging for a really long time in his head. "Your smarter than you look Illeana, I am indeed a mage, more of a sorcerer if you will, and yes, I study the Dark arts and I use them on an almost daily bases, but, I also have studied some if not many of the, ugh, Light arts. I may be able to help you find and locate this, friend, of yours." Said Umuku as he put away his cards. "Come, come, we may have all the time in the world, but, I've been asleep for centuries on end, I need yours and his help with my tower. I can tell you more about my tower, and, some of my recent past. AS I said, I don't remember much, but, I had awoken a year ago from a few centuries sleep, I relearned all of my skills, wrote down a few spells that would possibly help me in my travels, seeing as I couldn't take my spell book with me, gathered what I needed from the store room that was next to the laboratory, surprisingly enough, was where I had woken up." Umuku seems to hunch over a bit more, looking like a weight had been placed onto his back. "Blasted Daylight, I enjoy the darkness of night and clouds so much better than sunlight. It allows me to be more, *Deep Breath* Me." Umuku then tries to straighten his back, but, ends up back in his hunched position, more so, looking as if more weight had been placed onto his back. "GAH, again, Accursed SUNLIGHT, YOU WILL BE THE END OF ME, BUT I SHALL NOT GO DOWN EASILY! If only I had my spell of weather control, things wouldn't be so bad." Grumbled Umuku as he turned away from the two of them and began walking out of town.

As he walked closer to the edge of town, he turns around to see if the two of them were following him. Seeing that they had remained where they were, he turned around facing them. "It seems you don't fully trust me, As I said, I will test your skills. I have been asleep for so long, I don't know if I would even be a match for the two of you. BUT, I am in need of your assistance. I will there for tell you how I am going to test your skills. Seeing as you(points over to Xenophobia.) Have the skills necessary to be one of the best thieves I have ever encountered, I am going to take a side trip to a, what was once a well known as the thieves guild outpost in this area, don't know what has become of it now, to test your theft skills." *Cough, Cough, Cough* "You on the other hand, (Points over to Illeana.) Seem to be some sort of creature well attuned to being like an animal, your possibly like the creatures I have read about, I believe they are called Shifters. I was going to take another side trip to a, some what, known location of a shifter pack, I don't know if they are still there or not hoping for the best here, I read in one of the books that that pack there owed me a few favors, I'm going to call in said favors and put you threw a, trial by fire so to speak. *Cough, Hack, Cough*" Umuku clutched at his chest, "I will perish before we get to my tower, if we do not get going soon, decide, come with me and I will test your skills, and in return for coming with me, allowing me to test your skills, I will help the each of you in your own personal endeavors, however kind heartted and good willed they may be. OR, stay here in this strange place where another being may or may not show up and be as, benevolent as I have been. Decide now." Said Umuku in as serious a voice he could muster.

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2010, 04:08:43 PM »

(OOC: Plot time! I shall... Make the Theft Guild building a G.U.N. Base! If that's okay with you guys.)

Xeno nods, beginning to ponder.

Let's see... I can form a cloud cover with my powers, controlling something as light as Water Vapor isn't that difficult.

With that, Xeno crouches and looks up. Suddenly, the once scattered clouds amass over the group. Standing up, he/she continues.

Anyways... A theft guild outpost.... Hm... There is an awfully old base that GUN happened to fashion into one of their bases nearby. Of course, there are rumors that the soldiers that work there are the thieves' children undercover. So, shall we go?

He/she levitates slightly, moving forward a bit.

And quite frankly, my goal is very very bloody.

Xenophobia draws a claymore from his/her Bat Jacket, continuing to float all the while.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 05:14:15 PM by Gale Fox »

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2010, 03:54:27 AM »

(OOC: Anybody mind If I throw one of my old characters into the mix here?  If you do then disregard this post, if not then play along with it, I'm throwing in a segment right now anyway as it's not really allowed to post completely OOC)

It had been a long time, long long long time, and Ace "UltraSonic" Surv was finally on his way back home.  Well his second home anyway; the first had been a ghost town for years.  It was still a few good miles to the ol' city and the rain was coming down hard, the only reason he kept the top down on the old Firebird was to protect the upholstery, his scales weren't bothered by rain and neither was he, which would explain the window he had open.  Seeing the city beginning to take shape off in the distance he decides to take the car out of 5th gear and hardshift into 6th, pushing the car and it's 428 Cobrajet engine to around 240 miles per hour.

37 Seconds passed before he braked down to about 80 miles an hour (which took another 15 seconds).  Once he was at that speed what he saw prompted him to e-brake and bring the car skidding to a halt sideways.  He'd been gone for so long he had no idea how dilapidated and abandoned the city had become.  Sure he remembered a few local battles and some destroyed sectors but all that was long before he'd joined the "Big Army".  "Have I really been gone this long" he states before his instinct once again kicks in.

He crouches down on the drivers side where behind him is nothing but open terrain.  Horrible for snipers, infantry, air support, nothing gets through without being seen.  Unless it were over the cloud cover, and even then radar would spot it in a second if it wasn't stealth.

He reaches into the back seat of his car where all of his leftover issued gear resides and finds his flak vest, helmet, and gas mask.

"Regrettably they take the issued firearms back, however..." he reaches into the back retrieves a few knives, one of which goes in his boot, one on his belt, and the other (the largest of the three) attaches to the molle on his vest.  He also slinks around to and pops the trunk on the car, revealing a green duffel bag, some dirty clothes, a toolbox, the usual trunk accouterments, and one small black case labeled Heckler and Koch.  Opening it he retrieves twin .45 USP tactical semi automatic pistols with consecutive serial numbers and matching lot numbers.  Digging deeper into the trunk he manages to scrounge together 6 extra clips, as well as two boxes of ammo (50 rounds each).  He places these in the passenger seat of the car hoping to not need them, but making sure his vest and belt are equipped to accommodate.  Closing the trunk he proceeds to drive on, in much less comfort now that he's back in his soldier gear, but he's used to it.

"Here's hoping that A Nobody's hostile and B the engine draws them near instead of driving them away.

OOC: Quick reference sheet on Ace Surv

Species: Velociraptor (No he's not going to eat you, however his tail is relatively thick and his teeth are sharp, his species doesn't grant any particular advantage not granted by others of a reptilian nature).

Occupation: Well, he's actually just a simple code monkey, however that wasn't paying the bills so he enlisted in the military, and now he's home.

Biological: He's equipped with cybernetic implants (not unlike Spartans) that will do him little good without his combat armor (which he doesn't have), however strength enhancements are somewhat evident.
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Re: Back in town
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2010, 07:22:51 AM »

OOC: Okay, nice character, interesting little tid bit of a ref sheet, you should post the whole thing in the Character Intro topic so we can see what's what with him. NOW, on to more, pressing matters. preparing for your arrival.

Umuku started to straighten his back, seeing as the clouds were blocking the sunlight from getting to him, It looked as if some of the weight had been removed from his back. "Thank you, Xenophobia, with a little practice, I could most definitely show you more ways to do even bigger things.*Emphasizing that by waving hands in the air.*" Said Umuku as he began to try and straiten out the kinks in his back. As he stretched he heard a strange noise. "What is that sound?" Said Umuku as he dug back into his pocket which contained the cards. He brought them to his face, fanned them out, and picked one. "If it's a monster of some sort, I'll handle it, this*Waves card a bit* Is one of my more, dangerous, spells, called, Fireball." Umuku then hobbled over to Xenophobia and Illeana, "Back to back to back, we'll be prepared for anything that way." Said Umuku as he turned to face the direction where he thought the noise was coming from, he then began chanting. "Incendia praemium orbis, Incendia praemium orbis, Incendia praemium orbis, Incendia praemium orbis." Umuku, holding the card in his left hand, extended his right hand, a black flame lept from the ground, it went high into the air, almost as high as a signal flare, it then came crashing down into the palm of his right hand. The black flame formed a perfect sphere of fire and flame, it was as if he was holding a miniature black sun in his right hand. "I am ready for what ever it may be. COME FOUL BEAST, COME AND MEET YOUR DOOM!" Yelled Umuku as he stood there, his face lit up in a dark light from the fireball, making it seem he truely was an evil being.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2010, 07:49:29 AM »

Some engines make a lot of noise because they were equipped with parts that do just that, make lots of noise.  Ace hadn't put anything on the car that didn't increase performance, it roared because it actually had power, though if he reduced it's air intake it'd be a lot quieter and wouldn't loose that much torque, but sela vi.

He'd seen a few magic users in his day, some allies, some enemy, he came around the corner and saw a dark floating orb and a magic user in what appeared to be a combat stance, in a method much more controlled he e-braked in order to bring the car around so that the passenger side faced the entity, whatever it was.  Muttering contact right he nonchalantly got out of the left side of the vehicle, keeping his head low and one of the .45's out of sight, but at the ready.

"And who might you be with the abnormally large projectile pointed in a general my way direction?  I must say this is not the welcome home that I'd quite pictured."
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Re: Back in town
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2010, 01:39:41 PM »

(OOC: Welcome aboard, UltraSonic. Also, grox, is that Latin that Umuku was speaking in while he was casting Fireball?)

Xenophobia lands on the ground with a small plop, leaving the Claymore floating in the air near his/her hand, in the situation of having to make use of it. Upon further inspection, the side of the sword was engraved in ornately carved letters, in Latin: Letalis Vesica (Roughly 'Blade of the Mortals'; Literally 'Mortals' Blade').

You're welcome, Umuku. Anyways, how awkward... a Velociraptor at this date and time. Hm, you must be a Mobian. Anyways...

He/she begins to pace around Umuku and Illeana, who had both remained within their 'back to back' positions.

You're wielding a... I mean two Heckler & Koch USPs, Ace Surv. If you're going to go against us, you'd be better off with two suppressed Hardballers or a pair of Smith & Wesson Revolvers, I dunno, maybe a 500 or a 29.

Xeno coughs, resuming his/her speech while talking about something actually regarding the current situation.

Regardless, no hostility is required here. Ahem, the man with the black fireball you're looking at, he was exhibiting his magic when you happened to stop by. And this Claymore, well... Letalis Vesica was going to be my weapon of choice when my group had arrived at the the-- I mean our location of choice.

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Re: Back in town
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2010, 05:05:09 PM »

"I left the .454 Cassull in the glove box, extreme takedown power, especially with the wadcutter rounds, but not a whole lot of accuracy at long range with those I'm afraid, and you were correct I've only got one wielded at the present time.  Might I ask exactly what happened to my happy home while I was gallivanting away for so long?"

Must be a telepath of some sort, like that one lady I met on the floating base during the DNA crisis Ace stays right where he is, knowing better than to give up cover before confirming all clear, his combat armor would've protected him from a blast like that fireball once.. maybe.., but his flak vest would be nothing but dead weight versus something like that.  Best to stay protected.

OOC: DNA references an old RP in which this same version of this character was involved, regrettably it went out with the old message board. (There's two versions of this particular Char, One older, one younger)
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Re: Back in town
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2010, 06:37:46 AM »

(OOC: Yes Gale Fox, that was Latin Umuku spoke while he was casting fireball. ALSO, I'm not looking for a fight, just letting the possibility be there, Now, onto the RP!)

Umuku looked over the, Velociraptor, as he had been called by Xenophobia. Umuku steadied the fireball in his right hand while placing the card in his left back into his pocket. "I, have, no idea what has happened to this place. I awoke from my centuries long slumber a year ago, I have marched, unendingly, from my tower, to this, city. Which you call your home, I find it the way it is, THEN, I meet these two *Waves left hand towards Illeana and Xenophobia*, I half expect a decent bit of combat, but, extenuating circumstances cut that idea short. We then agreed to an accord. Something along the lines of the saying 'You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.' so to speak. Then you come along, with your strange and odd mode of transportation. Where do you hich your steeds to it? Do you even have steeds? If you do I'm pretty sure their spectral steeds, never seen a living one move quite as, quickly as your, thing, moved. Nor have I ever heard such a loud and cacophonous roar, half expected to see a troll of some sort come crashing through one of those buildings over there." Said Umuku as he just nonchalantly motions towards the building. Umuku keeps the fireball in front of him, between him and the, Velociraptor. "But seeing as you have a weapon, I'm not inclined to lower mine just yet." Said Umuku as he then placed his left hand onto the fireball. "Now, before we seem to have a disagreement, which would likely end up having me against you, I'd like to know the name of the creature, I might end up killing." Said Umuku as he looked to get into a readied stance, as if he was preparing for a possible fight.


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Re: Back in town
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2010, 02:09:19 PM »

"The name's Surv, and I tell you what, I don't like the idea of having my scales charred, or re-doing the paint on my car, as I'm sure you don't want to be shot at.  So what say we both lower our weapons at the same time?  We can discuss everything else after the end of this little standoff"
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Re: Back in town
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2010, 08:38:20 AM »

Xenophobia steps between the two, interrupting the standoff somewhat.

I'd much rather oversee this standoff ending.

With that, he/she steps back gingerly, bringing Letalis Vesica closer.


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