Umuku lowers the cards and smiles, revealing yellowed teeth, not so much as, coffee stained teeth or cigarette stained teeth, it was as if his teeth had just been, aging for a really long time in his head. "Your smarter than you look Illeana, I am indeed a mage, more of a sorcerer if you will, and yes, I study the Dark arts and I use them on an almost daily bases, but, I also have studied some if not many of the, ugh, Light arts. I may be able to help you find and locate this, friend, of yours." Said Umuku as he put away his cards. "Come, come, we may have all the time in the world, but, I've been asleep for centuries on end, I need yours and his help with my tower. I can tell you more about my tower, and, some of my recent past. AS I said, I don't remember much, but, I had awoken a year ago from a few centuries sleep, I relearned all of my skills, wrote down a few spells that would possibly help me in my travels, seeing as I couldn't take my spell book with me, gathered what I needed from the store room that was next to the laboratory, surprisingly enough, was where I had woken up." Umuku seems to hunch over a bit more, looking like a weight had been placed onto his back. "Blasted Daylight, I enjoy the darkness of night and clouds so much better than sunlight. It allows me to be more, *Deep Breath* Me." Umuku then tries to straighten his back, but, ends up back in his hunched position, more so, looking as if more weight had been placed onto his back. "GAH, again, Accursed SUNLIGHT, YOU WILL BE THE END OF ME, BUT I SHALL NOT GO DOWN EASILY! If only I had my spell of weather control, things wouldn't be so bad." Grumbled Umuku as he turned away from the two of them and began walking out of town.
As he walked closer to the edge of town, he turns around to see if the two of them were following him. Seeing that they had remained where they were, he turned around facing them. "It seems you don't fully trust me, As I said, I will test your skills. I have been asleep for so long, I don't know if I would even be a match for the two of you. BUT, I am in need of your assistance. I will there for tell you how I am going to test your skills. Seeing as you(points over to Xenophobia.) Have the skills necessary to be one of the best thieves I have ever encountered, I am going to take a side trip to a, what was once a well known as the thieves guild outpost in this area, don't know what has become of it now, to test your theft skills." *Cough, Cough, Cough* "You on the other hand, (Points over to Illeana.) Seem to be some sort of creature well attuned to being like an animal, your possibly like the creatures I have read about, I believe they are called Shifters. I was going to take another side trip to a, some what, known location of a shifter pack, I don't know if they are still there or not hoping for the best here, I read in one of the books that that pack there owed me a few favors, I'm going to call in said favors and put you threw a, trial by fire so to speak. *Cough, Hack, Cough*" Umuku clutched at his chest, "I will perish before we get to my tower, if we do not get going soon, decide, come with me and I will test your skills, and in return for coming with me, allowing me to test your skills, I will help the each of you in your own personal endeavors, however kind heartted and good willed they may be. OR, stay here in this strange place where another being may or may not show up and be as, benevolent as I have been. Decide now." Said Umuku in as serious a voice he could muster.