...Just a raccoon?...
Absolutely not.Well, hello everyone. Here I am, the most terrible person in the whole world. Seacat17. But also, I'm raccoon.
As you can see, I'm pretty much newbie here... In case if anyone else is still here. But I hope that I'm not the only one who likes to visit and even use old forums. I hope that I'm not the only one who LOVES the old-styled web. And I hope that this forum is still at least somehow alive. I'm happy to find it in archives and online.
What do I like aside from searching for old websites, you may ask?
Well, I'm terrible at drawing, so I know something about Blender... And also, Kdenlive of course. I like to redeem the old tech, such as i386-compatible computers, and then push it to it's reasonable limits. That's how I survived a half of year on Athlon Thunderbird. Google it.
I tried myself at programming, but let's be clear - it was failure. Websites, Python programs and other things are not for me.
Also, I have strange imagination. I mean, for real

I can imagine so strange game ideas, that if someone would know - I'll went into mental hospital immediately.
And all of this is true... And I'm 18. Yeah. Young blood. Hate TikTok. Love forums.
Hell, f#cking, yeah!