Hello, Guten Tag, Hola, and whatever language you may speak to greet someone!
I shall start off by saying I am an avid Sonic fan ONLY to the comics, but I have played the games though. The last Sonic game that I officially played was Sonic Unleashed, but I never completed it. Before that, it was Sonic '06 and yeah... Anyways, I have played majority of the Sonic games, but only missing out on Sonic CD. If you may also ask, I do NOT have a Wii and I haven't played any of the Sonic games on that console, nor do I own an Xbox 360 anymore.
I'm not sure what to tell you guys/gals next other than I am an artist from DeviantArt under the name, "DarthOmniShadow," and I am also taking free requests! If you ever want to commission me, that's fine as well - I'll accept nearly anything xD The request/commission can be anything you like, but it HAS to remain furry; anything outside that, I can't do (Well, if it's something like Megaman, then I can do that. I'm a big Megaman fan, too! xD)
You can send me either a message on here or on my art topic - whichever you prefer.
I'm looking to getting to know you all!