Ladies and gentlemen! I've missed my introduction! Before you resides the one, the only, the original, UltraSonic. Over the years there have been many impersonators and imitations, but only one jack of all trades. For those who can date themselves far enough back, I originally simply joined SonicV and was part of it's administrator team during the latter part of it's life. Standing by the project patiently awaiting TCMSonic's return, and eventually serving a temporary stint as a webmaster at Emerald Coast Comics which rose out of the ashes of SonicV. My HTML may be weak, but my TCP/IP is strong.
Amateur gray hat hacker, at your service. Fond of sourceforge, and defcon. Also your resident digital rights activist (anti DMCA, BSA, MPAA, and RIAA). I'm versed in the ways of Wireshark and Netmap, and am working my way through BackTrack and Metasploit.
I don't really do fanwork for STH anymore though I will still participate in RPs pertaining to the aforementioned universe. I currently have (at the time of writing this ) two active writing projects, both of which can be found at One of which is titled "City Of Darkness 2 'Fight the Grave'" and "Cyberpunk Fantasy (Working title)" I would like to some day turn both of these into some form of comic, or at leas illustrated novella. My focus presently is primarily on "Cyberpunk Fantasy" as I seem to be getting more things right with it than City Of Darkness 2, at least to my liking (And yes the original is also available at Crystal Plains). I've only got concept art for "Cyberpunk Fantasy" and it needs to be updated.
To be continued, as Ultra's skill set extends far beyond this. Also, picture below.