*A bit more info*
I've been visiting SVT randomly for years, but never posted anything. I'm not even sure if I had an account on the old forums or not. But reguardless, I've found myself directed to SVT many times when doing random searches online out of bordum for Sonic related stuff.
SA Tails and I have been friends since mid-late 1999, and we often work on projects together. So it was only natural I get hired to assist in this massive project.
Personally, I have seemingly countless projects. Some Sonic, some not. So at times, I may go quiet for a bit, but I'll still be here. At the moment, this project is priority 1, since it's a project that can have a positive effect on so many true Sonic fans =P
In case your interested, here's a couple of my other projects:
- Sonic TI - A Sonic fan game centered around my own character, Solar. Been in production a long time, but is my baby, and I'll never give up on it =P
- System Shock 2 Object Upgrade Project - There's good mods for the game that update textures, and enemy meshes, but not the low quality objects. That's where I come in!
- Thief 1 and 2 Object Upgrade Project - Same as SS2. The goal: Thief 3 or better quality models in these dated, but classic games.
There's quite a few more too, but those are some of my larger projects. As you can probably guess, I like making 3D models and games. I've also made (yet to finish 100% countless Morrowind and Oblivion mods XD
Anyway, I've been a fan of Sonic since 1992. I played Sonic 1 for Genesis in 1991, but as good a game as it was, Sonic 2 is what did it for me. And then Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM came out and there was no turning back for me at that point, lol.
Art wise, I'm not the worst artist around, but far from the best. I love to draw, but get frustrated far too easy. Plus, the More I draw, the worse I get. Sounds wierd, but I think I strain my hand when I draw more often *shrugs*
A taste of my crappy art with a comic strip I started for my other site (poor site. I haven't done a real update in months ;_; What? When you only get about 4 non-bot hits on a good month, you lose motivation XD)
www.theirregulars.net/sss/comics/chaotix.html - Sonic Chaotix (copy and paste in a browswer window. Hyperlinks hate me, as do direct links. Might be a forum glitch. I'll check it out later)
Enough babbeling for now. Time for dinner. Ja ne