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Author Topic: The Introduce Yourself Thread.  (Read 48763 times)

Gale Fox

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The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:07:02 PM »

Every forum needs a few topics, so I'll start this for everyone. (Pin it! ...Or not.)

From "Boards up and running!"

Quote from: Me on "Boards up and running"
Let me introduce myself. I'm loyal member of SVT, one of the hundreds of thousands of souls who would visit the website almost weekly-- maybe even daily-- to check up on the Art and Fanfiction sections.

I'm the author of "The World According to SVT", both the original and the sequel. I was once known as the vicious "Flare", among other names through my fanfiction phases (the most prominent being Ace Fujiwara and Kazuki Fujiwara). I've been through craploads of trouble bashing someone's FC, like I would care now. and loads of criticism, but I've made it to Demi-Stardom, coming from just a young child with a liking for writing to an accomplished fanfiction writer in the last two years...

I am...

Gale Fox Quezzie.

But, enough about myself. SVT for me was my savior. It helped me through my socially awkward-ness (which I still have, but I don't mind as much). But, unfortunately, as SA Tails said, the older fans have began to become Cynical and Jaded towards the new games, as well as Sega in general. (Shut up, the new Sonic games were fine. I found the Werehog as a trivial addition, but was a great addition nonetheless. Sonic '06, it was horrible purely because it was a Half-Finished game... literally. Sonic Heroes was near-flawless to me, even though it never did quite strike my fancy.) Although, 50 bucks former Sonic fans are piling up for Bayonetta. All jokes aside, I'd like to respark SVT, as I too have been through my own internet "Demise and Rise". Thus, I will work with what I have to ensure SVT will be the best Sonic website for years to come.

Okay, that's me, being serious (AKA: Me with no Caffeine in my system.)

But the real me is an excruciatingly (I have a feeling I mispelled that...) fun person who is always joking around or finding the humor in something.

But that's just me. Who are you??


Edit: My backspace button hates me...
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 07:11:00 PM by Gale Fox »


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 04:24:12 PM »

I'm not sure what to write but I thought I'd post here anyway for the hell of it.

My name is Nat, and I joined the SVT art section in 2005, guided here by the first friends I'd met on the internet. I was keen to improove my art skills so I thought I'd join a community, and considering DeviantArt and all that was unknown to me, SVT was a great place to start. That, and I was into drawing sonics.
I joined under the name ShadowDaHedgehog, and I can still remember many of the usernames of the friends I made here clearly, ones I don't seem to talk to much anymore...
SVT was and important stepping stone for me and I don't think I could ever forget it. It's sad to see it so empty.

It was a friendly community and I enjoyed checking daily. I enjoyed posting and getting comments.
I wasn't really into the games as much as everybody else but that's alright, isn't it? I can still enjoy the sonic franchise I have.
So, as a long time SVTer, I want to help bring it back to all it can be and to rekindle the memories made.
I like Orange.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 05:27:28 PM »

*A bit more info*

I've been visiting SVT randomly for years, but never posted anything. I'm not even sure if I had an account on the old forums or not. But reguardless, I've found myself directed to SVT many times when doing random searches online out of bordum for Sonic related stuff.

SA Tails and I have been friends since mid-late 1999, and we often work on projects together. So it was only natural I get hired to assist in this massive project.

Personally, I have seemingly countless projects. Some Sonic, some not. So at times, I may go quiet for a bit, but I'll still be here. At the moment, this project is priority 1, since it's a project that can have a positive effect on so many true Sonic fans =P

In case your interested, here's a couple of my other projects:
  • Sonic TI - A Sonic fan game centered around my own character, Solar. Been in production a long time, but is my baby, and I'll never give up on it =P
  • System Shock 2 Object Upgrade Project - There's good mods for the game that update textures, and enemy meshes, but not the low quality objects. That's where I come in!
  • Thief 1 and 2 Object Upgrade Project - Same as SS2. The goal: Thief 3 or better quality models in these dated, but classic games.

There's quite a few more too, but those are some of my larger projects. As you can probably guess, I like making 3D models and games. I've also made (yet to finish 100% countless Morrowind and Oblivion mods XD

Anyway, I've been a fan of Sonic since 1992. I played Sonic 1 for Genesis in 1991, but as good a game as it was,  Sonic 2 is what did it for me. And then Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM came out and there was no turning back for me  at that point, lol.

Art wise, I'm not the worst artist around, but far from the best. I love to draw, but get frustrated far too easy. Plus, the More I draw, the worse I get. Sounds wierd, but I think I strain my hand when I draw more often *shrugs*

A taste of my crappy art with a comic strip I started for my other site (poor site. I haven't done a real update in months ;_; What? When you only get about 4 non-bot hits on a good month, you lose motivation XD) - Sonic Chaotix (copy and paste in a browswer window. Hyperlinks hate me, as do direct links. Might be a forum glitch. I'll check it out later)

Enough babbeling for now. Time for dinner. Ja ne
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 05:46:15 PM by SolarT »
They called me crazy.. They called me insane! THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! ..and boy were they right.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 10:09:59 AM »

Hi there, Sparky here. Remember me? no?

i've  been and on-and-off SVTer for quite some time. I first found SVT because I like Sonic (unsurprisingly), around 7 years ago and joined the forums. I then took a shine to the underground thread and began posting using my avatar "Sparky". At that time all I knew was that he was a yellow fox that only had one tail but I created a backstory for him. I then introduced it to my brother (Fireball), who you're probably more likely to remember than me. I produced some fan art and a few issues of a sprite comic involving characters from the SVT forum ( all with their permission ofcourse.)

I think I was a moderator of one of the boards at some point, the spriting board, seems to ring a bell. Anyway, good to see SVTs up and running and lets see how many of the old members we can bring back and also how many new ones we can welcome.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2010, 03:50:03 PM »

Welcome back, Sparky! Character wise, my background is somewhat similar. Instead of SVT, however, I had come across the Sonic HQ when looking up Sonic stuff about 10 years ago. SolarTails was a name I created as a login for the HQ's chat room. Everything I tried was taken, so I took "SolarSonic" from a recent issue of the Archie Sonic comic and named it SolarTails instead (What? I like foxes XD).

At first, ST was just a name, then a simple character. But because the HQ's chat room had some moderate Role Playing, Solar soon became a very in depth character with a backstory and a background that was created through my adventures with others. These days, I go by Solar or Solar T, but it's the same character and same persona. A name that became who I am on the internet. All because I was bored and addicted to a blue speedster!
They called me crazy.. They called me insane! THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! ..and boy were they right.

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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2010, 05:06:54 PM »

Hello, I'm SVT number 1 fan, I've visited this site for a few years, I became intrested as I looked around. I even joined as an author before I became SVT number 1 fan, but I don't remember who I once was, I then found out Sonic was an actual video game series and left the site for a while, but when I came back three years ago, I found out what happened in the Fanfiction section which was why I never found out what author I originally was. During my time I've made some series, my first was Mirage of the Mirrors, which never actually got past the prologue. Then I made my next series which started of as Time Squad, it then kept evolving until it became my first official series: the Sonic Chronicles, but when the game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood came out, I started changing the name, it eventually became the Elemental Heroes, which is followed up by the Future Heroes and followed by the Advance Heroes. As I was here, many things dropped the number of people at our site. This drove me to work harder.

To try and get more people to come see the site, I made as many stories as I could, and that lead to me making over 200 stories, I was hoping if more stories were on the site it woul give people more to attract them here. I even joined the fanart section to show how some things looked in my series.

Like in life I had some rough starts on the site, when I met Gale Fox, we had a rocky start, especially since he used one of my old fan characters without permission, but eventually we became friends. He even helped me with some ideas and I let his character Astro star in my series. I also gave him tips I've learned to help him make his stories.

I've also had to say goodbye to some authors like Sharra and TUL Angel, and some of the great authors like Slane, Devlin Ledge, Ace the Hedgehog, either don't come anymore or are rarely here. So I've tried to keep the site alive, even though I might of had to do it alone, but I know others are still here to help hold the fort.

Once the forum came up, since I used to work at Gale Fox's forum as an admin, I knew I should take a look around. So that's how I ended up here.
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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 09:50:47 PM »

Evening, my name is Spook as all the wise can tell  ;) Visited SVT for the first time in the summer of 2004 as I bum Sonic and I bum comics. Seemed natural. So sinse then I've always been checking back every now and then to see if this site is actually doing anything... and to my surprise it now is. I'm excited.

So yes that's me, I'll leave the rest of my epic e-life story for another time as it's currently 2:53 in the country I'm from.... hope that doesn't give away too many clues.  :P


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 01:30:58 AM »

Wow, so SVT is really back....sorta, eh? Took you guys long enough.  :D

My names next to the post. I'm second in command over at an off shoot of SVT, We jumped ship from you guys a bit before you more or less died. ;D I act as editor of the websites entire current comic selection, though my involvement and quality control varies from title to title.

I also work as a news writer over at Sonic Stadium, and I'm looking for some GOOD comics in the fan community to highlight, so rest assured if you guys come up with anything good, you'll get a post over at the Stadium. I'm also a super mod at, but my duties at TSS and ECC have taken precendent lately.

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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2010, 06:38:31 AM »

  Back in 1999, when I was a teenager and had AOL, I searched for Sonic information. I think it was about Sonic Adventure, since this was right before the Dreamcast was being released in the States. I ended up at The Sonic Foundation (tSf) where I joined the chat room connected to it. I role played there, but as a heavily modified Tails and many other official characters (in an RP, you have to be in-character with an official character. I didn't do it right). This chat is where I met Solar and many other friends.

   I ended up a founding member of SVT, which came out of the Sonic Foundation chat room... as we were all RP nerds XD. I had made friends with Sonic Adventurer before then, and I joined SonicVerse when it was still part of his old Sonic fan site hosted at Angelfire. I did this under the pretense of being a comic artist, but my scanner broke. I ended up being the code monkey, fixing errors to the site in later iterations.

   I and Solar maintain our own sites on These including the general fan site, SegaSonic Station, the Sonic TI game project, and Legion of CHAOS, a dead RP site connected to the tSf chat, but we're retooling it for another project. I'm also working on a comic project involving elements from fandoms I'm in and original stories that came from tSf RP's from back in the day.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 06:47:36 AM by SA Tails »

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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2010, 04:24:15 PM »

My name is Legendary Emerald, though back when I used to frequent this site, it was just Emerald.

I got into Sonic because of Sonic Adventure, though I had played Sonic 1-3 on the genesis quite a bit growing up. Even then, I wouldn't call myself a true Sonic fan until one fateful day when an upperclassman came onto the school bus with a printed out fanfiction in hand. My life was never the same. Not only was I now completely obsessed with Sonic games, music, and fanfiction, but I was honing my own writing abilities and produces things for the first time in my life. Things of WORTH is debatable, of course; I was only twelve or thirteen at the time this all started. Heck, I even entered one of the comic contests here. I was very upset that I didn't get at least Second place for sprite comic, considering what had won wasn't even close to being entertaining.

I found Sonic Verse team around the same time I was discovering every Sonic site. I remember seeing it before it changed to the current layout even, but it switched over within a few months of my visit. You can probably still find my hyper-terrible art in the art section, but I think all my Oekaki work has been lost to time. I spent hours on the Oekaki here, and it's how I got to meet so many great people. This was my social center on the internet for the longest time. And I haven't even mentioned the comics yet.

Other-M... Chaos Diamonds 3... Collision Chaos... Tete-a-Tete... all wonderful. I've been searching the past year in vain for Other-M, and even this site no longer has it. However, thanks to a megaupload link available on this forum, I've finally acquired it after searching so long. I don't think any Sonic comic will ever compare to it... not even Ian's Archie comics. And might I point out, I am an ardent hater of what the Archie comics have become. I haven't read an issue since the Titan Tails debackle, and Dan Drazen's reviews of the later issues show me that I am not missing anything at all.

I've always hoped that one day this site might return to its prime. Maybe that day will come soon. However, I can't honestly say that I'll be holding my breath.  :-\


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2010, 04:24:16 AM »

Hey, my name is TailstheHedgehog! I'm often at TSSZ, TSS, and I'm an admin over at SEGA Neptune. Sonic fan since day dot, and since I was also Sonic fan since my hands could fit over a remote, Sonic was the very first gaming I ever experienced ^.^ I joined SVT because I've got a fanfic of my own going, and it's gotten pretty big. I felt a bit of a clown writing this massive piece of work and not showing it to anybody but my littler sisters, so I thought I'd come over here. That is, when the fanfic section gets up and running!
Nice to be here! And here's to many happy stories!


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2010, 02:33:17 AM »

*Cracks knuckles* Been a long time hasn't it, well, I used to be on here, before the crashes, then I kind of drifted away from here. But, now I'm back.

Names Grox, no, I'm not going to give you my name in RL. I used to post on here often enough to have a role in the RP section of the forum. Not as an admin, but, I knew my way around a decent enough RP. If we ever get that section up and running again, You'll probably find me there more often than not, but, for right now. Meh, I'll be lurking in the shadows, dusting off some old characters of mine, JIC, 'sides, never know when some one would want to RP.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2010, 10:47:58 PM »

My oh my oh my. It has been a while now hasn't it?

I first joined up here probably about 6 years ago as Apolla. It's been probably 3 or 4 years since I've been on here now and I frequented the Underground. I was first directed here when I was but 12 years old by a very good friend of mine (whom everyone knew as Syndrome. I also helped to guide someone else here known as Kyra and I became very good friends with another person named Wind. There were a few other too, but these are the 3 I'm still in communication with.) After many years of absence, I have decided that it was time to come back and see about getting active again. I really did miss this community.

But yes. So many years ago, I was known as Apolla (who was also the character I played.) I return with a new name, and should I get back into role playing, a new character as well.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 02:29:36 AM by Illeana.Nightrain »
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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2010, 02:29:38 PM »

...I also helped to guide someone else here known as Kyra...
This is Kyra, reporting for duty!

S'up guys? The name's Kyra (Well, obviously), but you can feel free to call me Kyra!
Unless of course I'm role-playing, and I happen to be using a different character. But, really, that's a rather obvious statement.
Long time member of the SVT forums... long time, as in I joined in 7th grade... and I'm in college now (Oh gawd, I feel old ;-; ).
I even modded for a bit; mainly The Underground because that's where I hung out the most, but other sub-boards too.
Like I said, I'm in college, and while my major was going to be Broadcasting with a minor in Music Composition, after a year of school and some experiences in the Mainstream Radio world, I'm currently undecided.
Right now I'm working two jobs to make some money, though neither is so demanding that I lack a life. I groom dogs, and I work on comission when it comes to things from art or advertisements to web design, coding, and writing speeches. (I kid you not, I have been commissioned to write speeches for people. :o )
( if you feel like looking at stuff. )

Yeah... I suppose if you want to know more, you can always ask. Hope that was a decent enough intro.
Just you wait, I'll put something witty here soon enough. =P


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread.
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2010, 01:58:49 AM »

>.> You showed up and then didn't post in an RP. Shame on you!

Then again, I posted in the Rp and then disappeared for almost 2 months. ^.^; Oops.

Damn college.
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*
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