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Author Topic: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!  (Read 313451 times)

Gale Fox

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2010, 07:17:28 PM »

I have no idea where that picture was from, but it reminds me of an Mindless Self Indulgence concert. The one for You'll Rebel to Anything. Awesome concerts.

This is no Mindless Self Indulgence Pic I posted. It's a picture of the French DJ Duo, Justice. Basically, these dudes are the new generation Daft Punk. You've probably heard them without knowing. i.e., their song Newjack was the intro to Cartoon Network's "You Are Here" block, Genesis is in DJ Hero and shown in the Assassin's Creed 2 trailor, DVNO was in the Hitman movie. Waters of Nazereth was in GTA IV. So, yeah.

EDIT: Here's footage of Justice releasing a single. Beware of Uffie and DJ Funk's profanity. @.@, it's scary.

Oh, and I'm so happy I'm not in college. Thank God for not making me some sort of super-genius.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 07:21:46 PM by Gale Fox »

Yeah, stack of userbars.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2010, 01:37:48 AM »

Hooray for summer, I have hours to kill, and I've already posted in the RP. SO, figured I come here in this topic and say my favorite word that I say here..... Also,

There is your spam for the day, enjoy it.

I said ENJOY IT!

What were you expecting, pig? No, this is the 'Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!' topic. Of course I'm going to give you pictures of spam.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2010, 04:53:41 AM »

Okay, so today, no spam, FOR NOW!

But in all actuality, I'm giving you some news about myself. I'm MOVING! Yes ladies and gentlemen (Using that term lightly) Grox is moving, SO, what does that mean, SIMPLE.
  • I will be having a bigger living space.
  • I will have to pay less in rent.
  • I will be gaining an entire yard.
  • I will have the living room I've always wanted.

BUT, this all comes at a price.

  • Deposit and months rent on new place.
  • Moving all of stuff from building A to building B.
  • Transferring of utilities(CABLE AND INTERNET) to new pad.

So, my dear forumers, I come to you to say this, I am moving this weekend, and until My comp is moved from this building, I will still try to access the internet. That is until I get everything moved over to the new place.

Stay strong my friends! Do not let the monsterous creatures of Un Use come down upon this, Our fair city of SVT, Once again. Stay vigilant Until I return from my quest. The Quest, For, A New Place to Crash! Keep your Keyboards in use and your Mouses at the ready! I will RETURN TO YOU ALL SOON! FOR SVT! *Epic Pose*(Rides off into the sunset on motorcycle.)


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2010, 11:41:57 PM »

I know Daft Punk...but surprisingly, I really don't know of this other band you speak of. Even hearing them without realizing it. O.o I live under a rock sometimes. Or in a cave. I like caves better.

I'm jealous that you're moving...I want to move so bad, but alas, I am jobless because no job wants to work around my insane school hours and for some reason I can't find anyone willing to hire seasonal right now either. I'm about to resort to fast food and that makes me quite sad. T.T
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2010, 05:30:22 AM »

Oh, yeah, there's always fast food joints, but, that's fast food. Good luck with the job hunt. Just be glad you don't have my job.

Gale Fox

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2010, 01:09:09 AM »

**Cough** I really shouldn't be up, let alone on SVT this late.

That is all.

Yeah, stack of userbars.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #36 on: May 25, 2010, 12:06:17 AM »

*Sniff, Sniff* I think Gale Fox is dieing, what with coughing and all. WELL, let me see, I'm going to be moving by the end of the week. So, don't expect me to be on for a while until after Memorial Day weekend, maybe even a few days after that, just to be safe.


I don't suppose anybody has any ideas for the RP do they?



EDIT: Just noticed this, I have two stars under my name, AND, I am no longer a NEWB, yay. I have no Idea when it happened.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 12:45:55 AM by grox »

Gale Fox

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2010, 06:20:00 PM »

*Sniff, Sniff* I think Gale Fox is dieing, what with coughing and all. WELL, let me see, I'm going to be moving by the end of the week. So, don't expect me to be on for a while until after Memorial Day weekend, maybe even a few days after that, just to be safe.


I don't suppose anybody has any ideas for the RP do they?



EDIT: Just noticed this, I have two stars under my name, AND, I am no longer a NEWB, yay. I have no Idea when it happened.

Ahem, due to time constraints, I shall comically format my text like usual but explain my post concisely.

1. I am not dying!! DX
2. Grats on the move, Grox.
3. Bleh, what is an RPer guy to do while Umuku's absent.
4. I'm thinking of making "The World According to SVT: THE RP!"
5. Grats, Grox, you're the first person on the Forums to hit 50+ posts; Your user level updated.


Yeah, stack of userbars.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2010, 10:23:47 PM »

I should post more. I'm lacking in posts.

I've kinda' thought about starting a second RP, but I'm unsure about it since we have so little going on in our current RP and so few people that actually post. Expect me to blow up Kyra's phone with text messages because she rejoined and then didn't do anything.

I'm going to try to keep up with things. I'm still job hunting and here within the next couple weeks I'm supposed to be going in to have my art portfolio reviewed to see if they think I'm good enough for an apprenticeship tattooing. Wish me luck in achieving my life long dream! Also, I'll be out of town June 8-15 and July 9-16, so expect me to be dead those two weeks.

But yeah, should I start a second RP?
"B-Bunny?" *headtilt* *chase* *omnomnomnom*

Gale Fox

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2010, 09:44:36 PM »


Excuse my French and Page-consuming Text, but it's true DX, get rid of them, SolarT and SA Tails DX


Yeah, stack of userbars.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2010, 03:58:18 AM »

*A wind from the north blows into town, a lone figure appears walking over the crest of a hill, a single word is uttered from him.*


*With that, the figure walks on, into the town, looking for a place to crash, for in his quest to find a new place to crash, he became tired, and he did complete his quest. He has found, a place to crash.*

Zonic Mirage

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2010, 05:05:42 AM »

Sorry about the bots. D: It's been taken care of.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2010, 06:02:22 AM »

2 things, one, yay no more bots. TWO, I has, an, Ear Infection! In my right ear, so, gotta go to the doc, get a perscrip for some antibiotics so my ear drum doesn't bust.


Don't worry about the RP, I'll post in that soon enough, just later today, well, it's 5 AM, time for me to go to sleep. BYE! *Waves manically at everyone then falls down and passes into sleep.* ZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZ PEANUTS! ZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2010, 06:02:00 AM »

I have a question for all of you.

When you die, do you become part of the 4th wall?

Also, spam, no pictures today, sorry.

Gale Fox

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2010, 06:56:19 PM »

*Aims Gun at Grox*

Let's test that theory....

NOT! Anyways... Randomness, whatever.

Yeah, stack of userbars.
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