I thought I should give a few examples for each element to base other abilities on if anyone here knows any more of them. Twilight & Wicked don't count because they include all of their elemental branch's abilities.
Fire: Cannot feel heat, cannot be burned, can breath fire, throw fireballs, can increase temperature.
Earth: Can create earthquakes, not effected by pressure, raise or lower terrain, can sense movement underground.
Air: Move faster than sound, fly, can't be affected by high winds, can breathe easily in thick air, manipulate wind flow.
Water: Breathe underwater, not effected by water pressure, control bodies of water.
Holy: Heal wounds, pierce darkness, light a dark area temporarily, relax against stress.
Ice: Can't become cold, can't be frozen, can breathe freezing mist, freeze objects, can decrease temperature.
Shadow: Shroud light, darken a bright area temporarily, can see in the dark, hide in shadow and travel between shadows.
Wood: Make plants grow, revive dead plants, control plants.
Lightning: Can ride an electric current, move quickly (in one direction), control electricity, can't be electrocuted.
Steel: Skin stronger than armor, manipulate steel, reflect attacks.
Heart: Manipulate someone's emotions, use emotions to attack.
Gravity: Move objects with a motion of the hand, increase gravity pressure, decrease gravity pressure.
Magic: Defy Law of Physics, create things out of thin air, mimic other elements with magical power instead of their normal power.
Undead: Control of lava, creating zombies (kill-able), control ghosts, absorb ghosts, revive dead (once, use once over 6-months)
Beast: Control beasts, turn into a beast-state, increase adrenaline.
Radiation: Make a creature mutate, cause a disease, atomic blasts.
Sound: Unleash a sonic wave, mute sound, amplify sound, echo effect.
Energy: Increase another person's energy, massive explosions, energy drain.
Time: Slow down time, speed up time, see an after image of an attack three seconds before it happens, stop time temporarily.
Void: Drain life energy (doesn't work on astral beings), open rifts between dimensions, erase minor beings.
Aura: Sense opponent's strength, use aura energy, psychic power, see a person's power &/or abilities.
Poison: Weaken an enemy with poison, melt inorganic matter, immune to disease.
Space: Open portals to travel through, warp an area making it invisible to most eyes, hide in-between space.
Blood: Lower body temperature, increase adrenaline, use blood to attack.
Illusions: Create phantom copies of user, create a fake area around an enemy, fool the five senses.
Nothingness: No advantage over other elements, no weakness over other elements.