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Author Topic: Character Creation Help  (Read 21496 times)

SVT number 1 fan

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Character Creation Help
« on: October 12, 2011, 02:26:14 PM »

I thought that some people had trouble making characters or have opinions on them. So I made this topic for such a thing.

You can get advice on how to make your character, or see how well someone likes a certain aspect about your character.

Remember, no one can do everything on their own, so don't ever hesitate to ask a friend.
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 05:24:43 AM »

Tip from a veteran: A character doesn't have to have a name to be well designed.  If you'll reference one of my old ones from when I did Sonic fiction/RP's/Artwork, a black unicorn known only as "The Raven".  Considered by many to be a master of alchemy, he was akin more to a sorcerer than anything else, with more than a little touch of mad scientist.  Known to be ruthless, cunning, and lawful evil.  In design he was deformed and scarred by battle, and his age quite difficult to determine.  The right half of his face always covered by a skullformed mask, presumably to cover some sort of scarring, right eye forever jaundiced, though perfectly functional in all aspects.  he suffers from a noticeable limp on his right leg due to it being synthetic just below the knee, and his left hand is obviously prosthetic as well, and unlike his rudimentary right leg which is little more than a chunk of titanium with a small ankle joint for balance, the left hand is attached about 2 1/4 inches past the elbow with the finest neural interlacing technology money can buy, possessing three phalanges that interlace in claw like fashion he can manipulate virtually any object, and just behind the wrist joint is where his sorcery comes in, the twin blades hidden are physically only about six inches long and curved, however with his power he can extend them to about three and a half feet, increasing in width and girth proportionally as they grow.  They extend side by side like a fork, enabling blocking and striking to be interlaced in a very innovative and difficult to predict style of hand to hand combat. His height serves to further unbalance any opponent, as he stands just over seven feet tall NOT counting his horn.  As far as physical strength he doesn't lack in this department either, having gone toe to toe with dragonborne with nothing but fisticuffs in his past (prior to losing his left hand) and won.

Preferring to live and work alone, he is not opposed to having company on his journeys, nor is he opposed to offering aid.  He detests treason, and will never turn on you once he's given his word, however he isn't one you'll want to be asking to make peaceful bargains, however if torture makes your stomach turn simply ask him to take care of it for you, you'll get the information and never see the person again... hopefully.  Despite all his properties leaning towards him being a very dark character, the fact remains that he is "lawful" evil.  This means that he believes in a just system, and in equality.  Try to steal candy from a baby in his presence and you're like to get yourself decapitated on the spot, cry for help due to injury be it from foul play or otherwise and he's likely to heal you or take you to someone who can.

Now then, here you have a description of a character, but no actual name.  You have what he is "Referred" to as, a moniker if you will, but no actual name.  Essentially this is to emphasize that titles come later.  I want to say that I used him in about two or three stories and countless RP's before giving him an actual name.  ("Kain Verox" [pronounced Ver-oh] by the way).

Without the name you have the following, his appearance, his character nuances, his physical abilities, and just about anything you'd need to know to make use of him, or have other characters interact with him.  Most important trait?  What kind of character he is (Lawful Evil in this instance).  Is he going to be organized, eccentric, or balanced?  Warm or cold?  Good or evil?  Moral, or immoral?  Educated or not?  If so what profession?  You need to take these sorts of things into account when designing a new character before you ever name him.  (How long did we know Master Chief before they officially announced that his name was John?)
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 05:28:02 AM »

I have a few characters in my area, but, I've never had them....what's the word....scrutinized, studied, either or. I was wondering, about one character in particular that I created.

Demon Ledge.

I made him to be the most evil creature in existence, perverted, twisted, mentally unstable, murderous intent, belief in the greater evil triumphant over the greater good, just an all around bad guy.

With a really, really, twisted mind. If you want a basic look at him, I have multiple stories for him. But, is he lacking?

Is there some area with him that I have not covered, or tried to expand upon?
Is he fleshed out well enough? Is there some way for me to make him stand out more?

any and all answers, suggestions, and or flames would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2011, 06:37:20 AM »

It's hard to be the epitome of evil if you're mentally unstable.  I would have to say in order to be the most evil demented creature in existence he would have to be quite stable (if insane, the two aren't mutually exclusive), and fully aware of his actions, and reveling in the torment of those around him.
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2011, 04:07:43 PM »

I'm making a second version of Legacy of Heroes, one that isn't tied with the Sonic continuity. There will be elemental users like last time only they'll be on both good and evil sides. The main thing I need help with is what kind of abilities that can be used by these elements. Tell me everything you think one element can do even if its completely obvious (cause I sometimes miss the obvious) so I can get all of the info on what element can do.

The Elements are as listed below: (Note: I'm using what's usually found in any video game for these elements.)

Good Side:



















Evil Side:





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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2011, 08:03:53 AM »

wow, um, that seems a bit off kilter.

I mean, what, 1, 2, 3.....18 Elements for the good side and, 5 elements for evil?

Not trying to be nitpicky or anything, Or trying to piss you off, OR even sound like a douche....But, maybe, possibly, could be, you could try, evening it out, just a tiny bit?

I am in no way, shape, or form trying to impose my will on your creative flow, just saying, Having an overwhelming force conquer evil, is kinda like overkill in a way.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry, upset, distraught, or sad at what I have said. I just feel that, maybe instead if it being 18 vs 5, it could be more like, 12 vs 11? You could span out your story a decent amount by doing that. Again, I'm sorry.

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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2011, 11:41:07 AM »

I tried to do that Grox, but the reason the good side has more is because of this.

Those elements are forbidden to be used because they have no good intentions and cause massive destruction (Like a volcanic eruption, nuclear bomb, toxic waste dump, a savage beast, or erasing something from existence)

Plus the five who use them are super strong, for example if you were in the Slayers Anime this would be like a human (who are the good side) facing a Mazoku Lord. With one of them being Shabranigdu himself.

So while the good side has more elements, the evil side has much more power and strength which would even it out. Plus the other elements have good intentions in at least one way. (Such as fire giving heat)
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2011, 07:16:55 PM »

ah, well, since you put it that way, I'll give it a shot, gimme a few I'll have something posted tomorrow.

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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2011, 10:07:43 PM »

Wow, I fully expected another question from you. I must be good at explanations.
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2011, 06:10:51 AM »

sry for taking so long to reply, I've had a number of brain fart related incidents, but, none the less, I will be posting something, TODAY.

Good Side:

Fire: Greatly increases in Will power, Strength, and Endurance. The Fire that burns inside all of creation to Continue existing.

Earth: Dependable, Stronger than Fire, but, slower than many. As stalwart as a Mountain, but, as gentle as the sand.

Air: Flexible, Increased Acrobatics(Think, Gymnists or Acrobats at a Circus.), Capable of moving faster than Fire, Only a little faster than Water. Can you be as fast as the Wind?

Water: Chaotic, yet, Organized, Able to adapt to many different situations at many different times(Multitasking to an extreme.). Be the ocean, the River, and the stream, all flowing through, anything it seems.

Lightning: Quick, faster than a blink of an eye, Dangerous though, will only strike once in the same place.

Ice: Cold, stiff, Unfeeling, Dangerous to be around, one false move, one slip of the tongue, an avalanche, or a single Ice Sickle will end life. Ever hear of the Ice Age?

Holy: Healing, Blessed, Righteous, Belief in something greater, Not that strong when it comes to Offensive stuff though.

Shadow: Stealth, Ninja(Now you see me *POOF* Now you don't), Good at tracking, Dissapears when you least exspect it. It always follows you where ever you go.

Wood: Tall, Strong, Weaker than Fire, has a Green Thumb. Ever hear of the Great Red Wood Forest?

Love: Togetherness, Peace, Love, and Happiness(Hippies, How I dispise them.).

Steel: Stiff, Stern, Law based, Always following the Rules. Stronger than Earth in all aspects. Can you be as strong as Steel?

Aura:.......sry, coming up blank on this one people.

Energy:............This one too, sry.

Sol: Light, Warmth, Power, Life giver of many.

Luna: Night, Togetherness, Wonderment, Capable of strategy.

Sound:.......Sry, can't come up with anything for this one either.

Time: Everybodies gotta be on Time, Can make people Slower or Faster, Age Control. Are you on Time?

Space: The Final Frontier*Ba Dum Psh*, [Would this be considered Gravity?] Increase in Mass, Decrease in mass, both in self and in others{Possibly an OP power, may want to tone it down a bit.}.

Evil Side:

Void: Emptiness, Can take and never give, Capable of engulfing and destroying anything at will. Can you escape the Void?

Radiation: BURN! Sickness, Disease, Cancer, Melting of Flesh. Brash, Angry, Quick to fight, Short Tempered. Where do you think they came up with the Nuclear Bomb?

Beast: Wild, Blood thirsty, Capable of Berserk Fury, Using Animal traits(Tigers Claws and Fangs, Pythons Crushing Coils, Cheeta's Speed, etc, etc, and etc.). Unleash the Beast!

Poison: Venom, Toxins, Pollution, Capable of Chemical usage(Creating Poisonous Potions and Chemical Warfare, like, Tear Gas, Mustard Gas, Napalm, Bleach, Acids, etc, etc, etc.), Creating antidotes for blackmail, bribery, and other items. Will stab you in the back if a better deal comes up. Don't Mess with Poison.

Lava: Like Fire, Burns, Strong, Fast, The life blood of the Planet, Capable of Launching torrents of Lava from hands, feet, and mouth. Able to withstand Temperatures capable of Destroying almost everything, except for lava, Baths in the stuff like water baths for us humans.

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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2011, 08:02:51 PM »

That seems more like personality traits then actual powers.

Could you explain that more?
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2011, 02:49:35 PM »

If you need help on powers though, here's an example:

Holy: Control forces of nature with a holy effect. (This is only possible due to the fact that most elements came from Holy.)

Shadow: Ability to sink into shadow. Identical powers with Time and Space only with dark effects. (This is only possible due to the fact that those two elements came from darkness.)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 02:52:02 PM by SVT number 1 fan »
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2011, 02:52:35 PM »

This place seems empty, will nothing truly reawaken in?
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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2011, 07:34:54 AM »

sorry, sorry, lots of brain farts, here's some readjusted things for your stoof.

Good Side:

Fire: Able to launch Balls of Fire(Of varying sizes.) from the palms of his/hers hands.

Earth: Able to move through dirt like it is water.

Air: Able to fly without the use of wings.

Water: Able to still breath while under water, and capable of creating whirlpools in water.

Lightning: Able to throw bolts of Lightning from hands, and, hell why not, capable of controlling electricity.

Ice: Able to freeze anything he/she touches, cept fire and lava.

Holy: Able to produce Light and Heal wounds by touching them.

Shadow: Able to control darkness and is able to jump from shadow to shadow.

Wood: Able to control trees(Like, making the limbs of a tree hit some one or, having a weeping willow ensnare some one.).

Love:......Ya got me there on this one.

Steel: Able to move metal as easily as clay.

Aura:......okay ya got me on this one too.

Energy:.....and this one.

Sol:.....What is Sol any who?

Luna:.....I'm thinking, Moon stuff, I don't know.

Sound: Able to control sound(Someone in room "Could you turn that noise off?" Sound element person "Okay' Sound element person then mutes everything. Something like that.)

Time: Able to speed up or slow down time it self(ONLY FOR HIM OR HER SELF.).

Space: Ever hear of a portable hole, this person can make them.

Evil Side:

Void: Able to drain the life force out of anything.

Radiation: Able to cause diseases and burns on anything(Even on roaches.).

Beast: Able to drive anything mad with Rage, Hatred, and Pain.

Poison: Able to cause anything to Sicken and die.

Lava: Able to control Lava, as well as fire it from his/her hands and feet to allow him/her to fly or use it to attack people with.

There you go, abilities for the elements, not all of them I could understand, but, I did my best at this moment in time(Seeing as I have yet to go to bed, I'm tired as hell, I need my sleep.). Please use these wisely. l8r all.

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Re: Character Creation Help
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2011, 02:53:36 PM »

Well to be specific on the ones you didn't get:

Love: This has to do with certain emotions.

Aura: A good example would be the Pokemon Lucario.

Energy: The energy of every living thing.

Sol: This is the power of the sun and day.

Luna: The exact opposite, as it's the power of the moon and night.

Also I was going to wait a while before I showed the master (or the creator) of the elements. (Though it's more like it created three which created the rest.)

Twilight: I don't need to explain this one.

Wicked: The creator of the forbidden (the villain side's) elements which has severed from Twilight.
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