SegaSonic Station/SVT Comics > The Chili Dog Stand (General Discussion)

What would you do if you were part of the Sonic Team Company?

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SVT number 1 fan:
Hopefully enough fans of the Klonoa series will be around to beg them. (In other news I'm a little ticked the Pikmin 3 is no longer part of the Wii U's launch titles and has been pushed back to next year)

EDIT: If I don't appear for a while it's because a friend of mine on dA put up a poll that is making it seem like he wants to end it all. (As in... well he won't be alive if he goes through with it.) It's freaking me out very badly because while I have seen people die, I've never seen one of my friends leave, especially by their own hands. I've already failed to stop so many things I've could have stopped, I don't want that to repeat. I'm not asking you to help me with this, but I feel you need to all know if I suddenly become absent without a warning.

Crossover anyone?  :D

SVT number 1 fan:
Um... maybe? (I think?)

Yeah, I'm not sure either. I've never been a big fan of Fighting games (save SSB and Sonic Fighters), But I still think its cool that three of my four favorite videogame companies are teaming up:)
No way I'd ever buy the game tho'.

SVT number 1 fan:
I think a Sonic game that works like Spyro Skylanders would be cool. That way people can choose what character they want to be in a Sonic Game and the Programmers wouldn't have to worry about which characters to make playable because then those who don't like a certain character simply don't have to play as them.

In fact I think many games should be like Skylanders.


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