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Author Topic: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!  (Read 265749 times)


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #735 on: September 03, 2013, 02:54:48 AM »

Sorry for the double post, but I just HAD to share this with you guys XD

So, when I was typing up my newest post for the Roleplay we are doing in the "Live I tell you, LIVE!" thread, I originally mistakenly thought that the table that Cha'omp was lifting off the ground was his own, and the one lucky was leaning on. So, I typed up a whole post based on that occurrence before realizing I had misread, I then changed the post to fit the story :P

However, I am still VERY proud of the humour in my original post, so I thought I would at least share it here for you all to see XDXDXD


Lucky, still unfazed and completely unaware of her surroundings, continued to stare intently at the chess pieces in front of her. About three seconds later, she noticed that the queen's pawn had actually moved!
The first thought that popped into her head was how the pawn somehow moved all on its own, and if it turned out to be an intelligent being from outer space, how much could she sell it for on Ebay? Her second thought was more along the lines of "Why am I floating four feet off the ground, and if I turn out to be an intellegent being from outer space, how much could I sell me for on Ebay???".

Lucky, never loosing her focus, had been holding onto the table with an iron grip the whole time, and now found herself hanging from it's edge as it elevated itself above the rest of the room. She looked down under the table at Cha'omp, who still sat at his chair with his hand glowing a vivid blue. Completely confused, the only thing Lucky was able to work out enough to say was an "uhhhh.....", followed by a number of similar sounding uh’s as she floated on the table towards the grey fox...


Oh well, I may not be able to use this funny anymore, but I am still proud of the one I DID get to use =P


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #736 on: September 20, 2013, 06:06:35 AM »

ah, lol, Mobian, yer post slaps me on the knee.

It's 5 in the AM here, why am I still up, oh yeah, I need to post here, there, EVERYWHERE!!!

yes, yes I am tired, thank you for noticing.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #737 on: September 24, 2013, 04:11:49 AM »

it's been 4 days, usually there's people posting after I've posted, well, Mobian usually posts after me, ah, I has the sads now.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #738 on: September 27, 2013, 02:58:08 AM »

it's been 4 days, usually there's people posting after I've posted, well, Mobian usually posts after me, ah, I has the sads now.
Oops, sorry. I didn't realize I had expectations to live up to XD

I've just been busy with various life and art things, thats all. I still frequent this place whenever I can =D


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #739 on: September 27, 2013, 05:42:42 AM »

Huzzah! I'm not alone here. I am not looking forward to work today, I've volunteered to stay late to help the boss strip and wax the floor, the biggest floor we clean in any of the three buildings. I'm also going to be working saturday as well, from 10 am to 6 pm, huzzah.

Ah well, more money in my pocket, tis all I can say.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #740 on: September 28, 2013, 10:29:45 PM »

I know how you feel, starting this Monday, I am going to be working Nightwatch for a Christian Rehabilitation centre for troubled teens.

It entails staying up all night, sleeping most of the day. and making sure no kids try and make a run for it XP


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #741 on: September 29, 2013, 03:10:11 AM »

Oh joy, sounds like fun, be sure to bring a deck of cards so you can play solitare or at least take a good book along to read when your not on patrol.

I gotta work tomorrow, waxing a floor, multiple times, and putting all the stuff back into place that we took out of the main area, fun....


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #742 on: October 02, 2013, 03:57:22 PM »

So, how's everyone, Got to go to work soon, figured I'd stop by and see what's up.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #743 on: October 06, 2013, 12:03:16 AM »

So, how's everyone, Got to go to work soon, figured I'd stop by and see what's up.

Well, still working the night shift, lots of fun :3

We just watched "The Croods" with all the students and staf, so that was great fun :D As it turns out, we watch a new movie every Saturday, so I also got to watch "Epic" last week :3 Thats two movies I'd never seen before, and both were great XD

Aside from work, I've also been working on a number of original songs. One I'm planning on recording and posting this week, the other, sometime within the month, and the third.... whenever I can figure out more lyrics for it XP
Its great fun, so of course I can't wait to post them online :D


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #744 on: October 11, 2013, 01:20:56 PM »

You know? I'm just realizing now that this forum really doesn't talk AT ALL about what it should be talking about all the time XP

This is a forum for SonicVerse Team, a collection of Sonic Fan Comics in its simplest definition, and yet, we never EVER talk about ANY of the comics hosted on this site XD

I guess it doesn't help that the forum essentially only has four active members now =P And even them I'm still relatively new compared to the rest of you XD I've been here what, almost a year maybe? I'll have to go look that up >.>

EDIT: Woah, I've actually been here for a year and three months! ;D Still, Its not like I was ever around for what most would consider the "Glory Years" of the website :3
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 01:22:43 PM by TheMobian »

Gale Fox

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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #745 on: December 08, 2013, 06:50:42 PM »

random appearance.

I can't believe I missed SVT #1 leaving, man. For a time, he and I totally ran the fanfiction section (and by ran, I mean there was nobody there). Peace, my friend, and may we meet later in life.

EDIT: I ended up waxing introspective less than 30 seconds after posting this.

Even if I haven't been here all year, and even if I wasn't here most of the last, you have to believe me when I say SVT is probably one of the deepest experiences of my life. Sure—at this point in my life, I have no place here aside from a handful of RPs (i've been waiting for SOMEONE to continue Back In Town for a year now!) and this thread, but I have to face the facts. This place is an indispensable part of me—both itself and in what it has influenced me to do. (I'm about to get a little em dash/ellipsis/parentheses/comma crazy here. Also, be aware that this might fall out of chronological order, but that's kinda what happens)

I came here in—what, '07? I was 10. 10 years old with nothing but a bad attitude, some wacky ideas, and a vague memory of a story called the Longest Autumn and how Amy was the daughter of a mobster in it. I was ecstatic, artistic, and arrogant to a fault. I raised hell, I got banned from the forums (and then promptly, the forums of Rockman Perfect Memories, whereas they mocked me), and I even got my mother to write a few review responses for me when I was accused of “abusing” other authors' characters (which I cite as being a little skewed of a statement even to this day, Sharra; I'm not afraid to call names!) out of fear of being banned from the fanfiction section. I made three or four LiveJournals, went a little forum crazy—my ventures include joining =SB= and =TSZ=, a few fledgling forums by my friends from those places, and starting at least 5 f… freakin' versions of Sonic Gale, the most popular of which I think should forever remain at as a reminder.

That, I think, is about where SVT went down. I was distraught; I had lost all of my friends (Aside from good ol' SVT #1, his sister, SVT #2/#3, and aaatlballin in the fanfiction section, there was also Blizzard the Fox, Kiyo, and a host of other people from the art section I'm cocksure I don't remember) as well as fans (Rosy the Rascal/Kairi from The World According To…), not to mention a crapload of writing I had written from scratch in the WYSIWYG editor).

That's when I starting playing Rumble Fighter, and that somehow lapsed into me playing BYOND games religiously. In fact, I made friends with a pair of hormone-addled teenaged boys—one 13 and one 15, with the latter almost becoming a teen father at some point (the almost being that his girlfriend ended up miscarrying). Later I made friends with a big-ego Canadian guy (No offense to the guys up north, that's all I knew about him and I needed an adjective).

Later I started playing Mabinogi (a whimsical little RPG by Nexon whereas I made another handful of quirky friends, although much more dysfunctional, jaded, and decidedly unsavory for me to talk to). Twice (make that two other handfuls).

That's when SVT came back and—well, I was on my worst behavior to say the least. After realizing that I was sitting at, what, 12 or 13(?), the same age aforementioned Sharra and friend TUL Angel decided to leave the site (again, not afraid to say names at this point) and reading a rather erotic lemon (A Foolosophy of Love) that at the time made my prudish 7th grade stomach hurt, unleashed a caustic, rude, and preteen-angst-driven goodbye that rather harshly scorned the remnants of the once-(and-still-somewhat-)recovering site…

It took SATails telling me that my stories were to be deleted that I—in all honesty—bluffed and claimed that my Last Hurrah was simply a publicity stunt, returning to SVT once more.

Now it's about 2011, I think(? Again, I don't have an exact lock on when this all happens, just little facts that help me narrow it down) and I've returned and—well, I think I've spouted so much enough exposition by now…

It might not sound like I've grown much, but now as I sit back at the eve of my long-awaited 16th (yes, the ever-elusive and ageless Gale Fox isn't even a measly 16, but as you can surmise, “feels” and in his own opinion, “acts” much older)—I can't help but think how much this place has helped me get here.

And while I may end up “leaving here” myself (again, I have no place here aside from this thread and a few RPs) in the coming weeks or months, I a) just want you to know that you guys will always be in my heart and b) won't leave here without finding a way to keep in touch.

Love, Gale Fox.

{Sorry if none of this makes sense; I wrote it on a whim with no forethought.}
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 08:15:22 PM by Gale Fox »

Yeah, stack of userbars.


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #746 on: December 11, 2013, 08:29:08 AM »

Your not the only one Gale.

I came here years ago, back when the forums had people, a lot of people, I never got on them, you used to be able to find me in the Fanfiction section.
To this day, I'm still proud of it, I just, it went on for 52 chapters. X. One of my crowning achievements at this place. I left the fanfiction section, cause, I had lost my muse(She still comes and goes as she pleases but, sooner or later, I will have her with me again, Hopefully.) when it came to Fan Fiction. I wandered over to the forums and found, comfort, an intriguing group of people, and many wonderful things to see and do.

But, as time has gone on, I've stayed in the back ground, just watching, some times replying to things, some times not. I don't know whether it was in me to continue or not. I've been through some dark times while on this site, my time here, has helped me get through my dark times. Thanks to my friends, family, and SVT, I realized that Suicide had not been the answer.

Yes, I said it, I almost committed Suicide, and thanks to this forum and the people that were in it, as well as my friends and family, I did not.

I've been working on things in my head, but, I just haven't been able to get any of them down in notepad, or have been in reach of paper and pencil before they leave me. I gotta tell ya people, I consider you all my friends, If one day we meet, wouldn't mind buyin ya a drink, Alcoholic or other wise(Dr. Pepper's good, so's Mountain Dew.).

I read over some of the stuff I've put on here, and I never have any idea how to continue things, but, heh, still can't. I don't know where I would be without this place. The friends I've had, especially the ones from the fan fiction section, I still remember them, some what, it's hard, I can barely remember them, but, *sob*, I mean, it's sad that I'm having a hard time remembering them.

I'll still keep coming back here, even when no one else will. I'll still be here, my memory is going to pot honestly, I'm not even in my early 30's yet and my memories are fading.

But I'll tell you what, I'll still come back here, cause of the good times I've had. Cause of the people I've met and the events we've had. The Rp's I've posted here, hell, I ran the RP section for a decent amount of time. Think I still do, heh, I tell ya, Wish my mind was still sharp enough to write out a good story.

I miss being able to sit down and just pound out a good long story, now, I'm lucky enough to do this. it's 7:30 AM here, I'm going to bed. G'night everybody, see ya l8r.

Grox 'The Fox' Devlin, AWAY!


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #747 on: March 18, 2014, 04:19:49 AM »

*taps on the glass*

I am alive.  The past 18 months or so have been interesting ones for good ol' Ultra.  No doubt some of you have wondered about my disappearance from this corner of the web, and for all practical purposes, if you're curious... well, you'll just have to stay curious, simply put it is hard to come back from the dead, and I'll leave it at that..

Suffice it to say that I was browsing the web this evening as I am wont to do and I began to wonder about some of my old stomping grounds.  SVT is the oldest flagship still standing, my origin footprint belonged on Sonic V which is long gone.  I have migrated significantly from the STH fandoms of the days of yore, but that's not to say I don't still enjoy them.

Photography has become my main gambit, and oh the photos I have been able to take, the people I've met along the way.  I could write a book with all of the things in my head that I have learned as I've traveled this world, perhaps one day I will.

In the mean time though, this is UltraSonic remind all still here, that you are not forgotten.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 06:26:18 AM by UltraSonic »
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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #748 on: September 27, 2014, 06:09:11 PM »

Believe it or not, I am in fact still alive =P

I'm not super active in the sonic community anymore, and have since moved on to being FAR more active in the Brony community. Been making a lot of fan music under the name "FritzyBeat" and stuff, which is what I usually go by now (I also started an Ask Tumblr thats closing in on 500 followers, so thats exciting X3 *shot*)

In any case, if you still want to hang out with me I'll be far more active on Youtube and such~ THough I still stick around here. Watching and waiting for something to happen X3 Hope y'all have still been doing good~


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Re: Oh my god, IT'S SPAM!!
« Reply #749 on: November 30, 2014, 08:11:57 PM »

Admittedly communication here is agonizingly slow, but I've been wicked busy over the past few months.  I'm not super active in the Sonic community either, but that's not to say that I don't get nostalgic.  I'm on Youtube as well, which I may track you down on, the username will end in .photo.
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