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Character Creation Help

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SVT number 1 fan:
I thought that some people had trouble making characters or have opinions on them. So I made this topic for such a thing.

You can get advice on how to make your character, or see how well someone likes a certain aspect about your character.

Remember, no one can do everything on their own, so don't ever hesitate to ask a friend.

Tip from a veteran: A character doesn't have to have a name to be well designed.  If you'll reference one of my old ones from when I did Sonic fiction/RP's/Artwork, a black unicorn known only as "The Raven".  Considered by many to be a master of alchemy, he was akin more to a sorcerer than anything else, with more than a little touch of mad scientist.  Known to be ruthless, cunning, and lawful evil.  In design he was deformed and scarred by battle, and his age quite difficult to determine.  The right half of his face always covered by a skullformed mask, presumably to cover some sort of scarring, right eye forever jaundiced, though perfectly functional in all aspects.  he suffers from a noticeable limp on his right leg due to it being synthetic just below the knee, and his left hand is obviously prosthetic as well, and unlike his rudimentary right leg which is little more than a chunk of titanium with a small ankle joint for balance, the left hand is attached about 2 1/4 inches past the elbow with the finest neural interlacing technology money can buy, possessing three phalanges that interlace in claw like fashion he can manipulate virtually any object, and just behind the wrist joint is where his sorcery comes in, the twin blades hidden are physically only about six inches long and curved, however with his power he can extend them to about three and a half feet, increasing in width and girth proportionally as they grow.  They extend side by side like a fork, enabling blocking and striking to be interlaced in a very innovative and difficult to predict style of hand to hand combat. His height serves to further unbalance any opponent, as he stands just over seven feet tall NOT counting his horn.  As far as physical strength he doesn't lack in this department either, having gone toe to toe with dragonborne with nothing but fisticuffs in his past (prior to losing his left hand) and won.

Preferring to live and work alone, he is not opposed to having company on his journeys, nor is he opposed to offering aid.  He detests treason, and will never turn on you once he's given his word, however he isn't one you'll want to be asking to make peaceful bargains, however if torture makes your stomach turn simply ask him to take care of it for you, you'll get the information and never see the person again... hopefully.  Despite all his properties leaning towards him being a very dark character, the fact remains that he is "lawful" evil.  This means that he believes in a just system, and in equality.  Try to steal candy from a baby in his presence and you're like to get yourself decapitated on the spot, cry for help due to injury be it from foul play or otherwise and he's likely to heal you or take you to someone who can.

Now then, here you have a description of a character, but no actual name.  You have what he is "Referred" to as, a moniker if you will, but no actual name.  Essentially this is to emphasize that titles come later.  I want to say that I used him in about two or three stories and countless RP's before giving him an actual name.  ("Kain Verox" [pronounced Ver-oh] by the way).

Without the name you have the following, his appearance, his character nuances, his physical abilities, and just about anything you'd need to know to make use of him, or have other characters interact with him.  Most important trait?  What kind of character he is (Lawful Evil in this instance).  Is he going to be organized, eccentric, or balanced?  Warm or cold?  Good or evil?  Moral, or immoral?  Educated or not?  If so what profession?  You need to take these sorts of things into account when designing a new character before you ever name him.  (How long did we know Master Chief before they officially announced that his name was John?)

I have a few characters in my area, but, I've never had them....what's the word....scrutinized, studied, either or. I was wondering, about one character in particular that I created.

Demon Ledge.

I made him to be the most evil creature in existence, perverted, twisted, mentally unstable, murderous intent, belief in the greater evil triumphant over the greater good, just an all around bad guy.

With a really, really, twisted mind. If you want a basic look at him, I have multiple stories for him. But, is he lacking?

Is there some area with him that I have not covered, or tried to expand upon?
Is he fleshed out well enough? Is there some way for me to make him stand out more?

any and all answers, suggestions, and or flames would be greatly appreciated.

It's hard to be the epitome of evil if you're mentally unstable.  I would have to say in order to be the most evil demented creature in existence he would have to be quite stable (if insane, the two aren't mutually exclusive), and fully aware of his actions, and reveling in the torment of those around him.

SVT number 1 fan:
I'm making a second version of Legacy of Heroes, one that isn't tied with the Sonic continuity. There will be elemental users like last time only they'll be on both good and evil sides. The main thing I need help with is what kind of abilities that can be used by these elements. Tell me everything you think one element can do even if its completely obvious (cause I sometimes miss the obvious) so I can get all of the info on what element can do.

The Elements are as listed below: (Note: I'm using what's usually found in any video game for these elements.)

Good Side:



















Evil Side:







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