Long ago, there was an endless sphere of life called the Infiniverse, it was called this because it was so large it was actually infinite, but not by size, but because entering one end landed you at the opposite side of the whole Infiniverse. Corruption and hate were common in this sphere of life for any sentient species due to everything they didn't have true knowledge about, one prominent species in this sphere were the humans, they had become well known after many years because the humans became the first and only to settle their differences and stop the chaos between them, it happened after an event known as World War III, it had done some damage to their homeworld, but eventually they realized no matter their differences, they were still the same in every way, this is when they met the most powerful being in existence, the original one: the one people had referred to as god, as a gift of what they had accomplished, the original world restored their homeworld: Earth back to what it was before any of their weapons had done even a bit of damage. Eventually the humans discovered how to utilize the light and darkness present across the cosmos to advance their civilizations, even starting to spread onto new planets and being benevolent enough to help any other species that needed it. But other sentient species seeing how they used the light started fighting over its use, however they were more biased believing darkness was evil and worthless. The humans started noticing weird conditions happening around the Infiniverse which was a result of this corruption growing, so to try to hold it away the humans created Pandora's Box which was an artifact based of one in their human legends to seal the corruption the others were creating, however even with the box holding the corruption the sins of the other sentient species kept creating more corruption and the box itself did have a limit, eventually it was too much and the Box broke into pieces releasing all of the evil stored inside.
These evils gained physical form creating a race of creatures called the Catalyst, they were creatures of evil that feasted off negative emotions to grow stronger, and the more they devoured the more of them appeared. And soon the corruption massed together creating the leader of the Catalysts, the first of the beings known as the Corrupters, the dreaded Despair. The inhabitants of the Infiniverse fought back against the Catalysts and Corrupters, but the Corrupters were unable to be destroyed by any means they were able to use. Eventually mistrust between non-humans grew to a boil creating a force so deadly, it was over for them. It created a Catalyst almost as big as a planet, this was the Ultimate Catalyst, one that would simply be called 'The Destroyer'. The humans used both light and darkness to create special protective fields to keep them safe on the worlds they lived on as the Destroyer destroyed all life in the Infiniverse. The humans survived due to these shields, now living in a world where life was extremely rare. However seeing the Destroyer had destroyed itself and all of the Catalysts, their safety had been shown, for the moment at least.
With the surviving humans, the original one chose twelve worthy beings to create new life and fix some of the problems the Infiniverse had started with that he himself never got to completing as well as giving the humans astral bodies, knowing that they could fix the damage by going to the now unoccupied worlds, some of the humans went to new planets, during this time the humans learned how to fly and use magic, the new species that were created were based of humans and how they acted now, so hopefully only a few bad people would exist and little corruption as well. As time went on, the four main locations in the Infiniverse: Upper, Lower Left, Lower Right, and Middle; the humans mainly lived on now caused each of them to adapt to their environment differently, these adaptions were shown in the form of high magical capability development in the upper area, extreme flying ability in the lower left, gaining a special bond with nature in the lower right, and the ones who lived in the middle adapted to all three conditions becoming a hybridized superhuman type, however these differences in each human did not change how they acted towards another. Eventually the Corrupters made their return with more Corrupters than originally, it had been a few millennia since they attacked and most people hadn't realized they still existed, the Corrupters attempted to eliminate the humans and finally rid all life, but a hero named Day unlocked a power that changed all the humans into something even stronger and put them into a retreat where they wouldn't attack for years. However this battle, which would be called the Creation War, came with a price, Day's grandfather: Master Velvet was killed during the battle, after this event, the Infiniverse named Master Velvet as a symbol of honor.
Afterwards the original one told the humans they had been proven worthy by him to ascend to the next level of existence, and during the Creation War he evolved them into a new form of species that ha called the Twililarians, becoming true astral beings, so basically they were almost like immortal living ghosts, they couldn't die except by the Corrupters, but now they were more even in terms of strength. With this new gift they finally healed the Infiniverse, in fact it had become even better than it was originally was before thanks to their efforts, the Ali Twililarians (the mix of the other three sub-species) soon decided that the Twililarians from all of their areas in their locations, the Magical, Sky, and Nature Twililarians, should join together on a new planet in the exact center of the Infiniverse made by the original one as a gift for all they've done, basically a much better and more advanced version of their original homeland, Earth, made with properties of the kinds of new homeworld planets including cloud homes, water homes, warm temperatures, super advanced technology, strong materials, high gem abundance, special food and a lot more than that; known as: Twililaria, named after their species.
After the Twililarians left their other worlds to the other species in the Infiniverse to make them a better place for everyone, they migrated to Twililaria. However, at some point during the migration, a horrid winter began started freezing the area which was shocking because of the planet which wasn't ever cold enough for snow to form. The tribes were forced to provide for the others to survive. The Magical tribe created fire using their magic as well as amplifying the sun rays to melt the snow faster in hopes of changing the season and bringing out night and day as Twililaria could only change seasons and time of day by magic due to the planet's closest thing to a sun was the very light it generated, the Sky tribe moved away the clouds to lessen the snow and hopefully change the weather when they could despite they were unable to truly change the weather due to the mysterious snow even though they had learned to change the weather, the Nature tribe provided food to the others despite that the cold conditions made it very hard for them to grow food, and the Ali tribe invented special machines to clear away some snow and find shelter to make homes at and used their strength to move snow around and build homes and machines that the other tribes needed. But this did not lessen the storm's effect, in fact the blizzard of the winter grew, soon making all their work turn into a useless struggle.
Eventually the conditions started to make things impossible, the nature tribe was starting to become unable to grow food, the Magical tribe couldn't get their magic working, and the sky tribe wasn't able to fly in these conditions. Finally the leaders of the four tribes were forced to meet to come up with a solution. However there were no solutions on how to help the area leave winter, the leaders then all decided along with their tribes to relocate to a new land, however during this time the blizzard started to reach a cold boil which made it too severe to continue traveling forcing the tribes to all hid in a cave for shelter. However the cold went into the cave freezing the entrance and the people inside, soon only Day and her five best friends, the advisors of the leaders were not frozen. Soon they discovered the source of the cold, Wendigos, a evil legendary species that represents the cold and winter and freezes everything they can find, the original one had sealed them away a long time ago, but the damage that the Destroyer had caused had freed them and every other mythical creature. It seems creatures once thought to be mythical had always existed, and the Wendigos were such things in the old human legends.
Things looked hopeless until the six friends promised that no matter what happens, that they'll always be friends even if they are frozen forever in ice, and just as they themselves were about to freeze, their unity they sparked a fire, a fire that destroyed the Wendigos with its heat and melted the tribes free, soon the entrance had been reopened and the tribes had been able to get out, just to see, they went back to their homeland to see if the Wendigos' destruction had fixed their home, but the Wendigos' ice had permanently frozen the original home they had, which had become the Winter Desert. The tribes continued their journey to find a new land, and soon they discovered the true paradise area of Twililaria, and they named their new home: Harmonia. Evenutally the six leaders chose a member of the Twililarians to become the official leader for their united world: the kind granddaughter of the great Master Velvet and Day's cousin: Celestielia. And the six advisors were given great promotions into careers that showed their honor and heroism for bringing the tribes together, eventually the good friends all were given one of the best areas of land in Harmonia which they brought a few of each type of Twililarian, which gave birth to the greatest city in the country, Twilight City. And to top it off, the children of the six who stopped the Corrupters and the Wendigos didn't realize it yet, but they have a bonded destiny that ties them together. However they are about to find it out soon, they themselves are...
the Rays of Hope.
Mother: Don't cry, little one. It won't be so bad.
A woman was staring at the bundle of blankets in her arms, her baby girl, who was crying because of the noise of the thunder outside. She sat at the chair near the table.
Mother: Maybe a story would cheer you up.
The baby, hearing her mother’s words seemed to calm down.
Mother: This is a tale of light and darkness, of the era before this one. Long ago, people lived in peace. Everyone loved the light and respected its balance with darkness. Then certain people began to fight over it and corrupted forms of evil, the evils of Pandora’s Box were born. The evil took physical form, swallowing the light and darkness, and many people, including the innocent who didn’t fight over the light. It covered everything, and all of the world’s life disappeared, but the light and darkness left sheltering for some people to escape this force leaving only a trillion humans as the remaining life. Then fragments of light and the darkness promoted a select few to help rebuild the Infiniverse, the ones we know today as: Destiny, God of Creation; Reincarnate, Goddess of the Dead; Daybreak, God of the Day; Midnight, Goddess of the Night; Blaze, God of Flame; Fuu, Goddess of the Sky; Tsunami, God of the Waves; and Mineral, Goddess of Growth for the side of light, and on the side of darkness Anti, Lord of Antimatter; Equal, Lady of Balance; Inverse, Lord of the Opposite; and Flip, Lady of Flipsides. With these fragments of light and darkness, the children healed the lost world to a limited degree, and that created new life. Soon that new life rebuilt the world back to its original state. It's the era we live in now. But the true hope sleeps, deep within the despair. Someday, a door to the innermost despair will be reopened. And with a pure heart, the true hope will return. Even in the deepest despair, there will always be hope to guide you. Believe in the hope, and the despair will never defeat you.
The mother looked to see her baby fast asleep. She smiled as she put the baby into her crib as the storm had passed.
Mother: Goodnight sweetie.