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Author Topic: Legacy of Heroes: Storyline  (Read 4297 times)

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Legacy of Heroes: Storyline
« on: June 19, 2011, 01:29:10 PM »

This is like the old one. But this is also because I update slowly, so now you can know what happens in the story without anything major being spoiled.

Book 1

Chapter 1, A Hero’s Legacy: Ever since the battle against Eggman ended 7 years ago, Alicia Turbine is living life normally as planet Celesta has gained a massive advancement in technology and become its own paradise. Alicia unknowingly is living her last day as a normal girl, as that same night she’s given an opal and given the power of the element of Magic, becoming the Chosen One of Magic. She awakes to learn what happened was no dream. Suddenly a dragon appears by her window, injured, Alicia gets her parents for help to save the dragon. In the morning, the dragon is healed and thanks Alicia, when everyone is shocked to hear it talk it realizes it’s not in his true form and turns into a Nurian named Syn Karen. Syn tells Alicia about her dream and how the world now needs her help, he also says that her friends should have also had the same dream. So Alicia goes to see them and asks if they had the same dream, they all say they did have the same dream. Syn takes the five to a MPAB Navy Ship where they meet four others with the same dream, Compact, Extremal, Delta and Acura; along with the ship’s captain Admiral Nova who is also Extremal’s mother, only Syn and these four had the dream a while before they did and not at the same time meaning the last 20 were all picked at the same moment. Now the group of 10 has to travel the planet and find 15 others who had the same dream. The group that will be known as: the Legacy of Heroes.

Chapter 2, Shout out with Shout: The group finds one of the Chosen Ones at a temple ground on planet Paradise, the planet formerly known as Mercury. Alicia goes down along with Delta to meet him. The Chosen One reveals himself as Shout Supergroove the son of Beat Supergroove, he says he did have a dream like Alicia’s, but ever since whenever he hears music he hears an annoying screech that’s making him miserable. So he’s at this temple to get an artifact that should fix up his condition. When Delta asks if he’ll join them, he says he’s always wanted to be part of something bigger, so he says if they help him get the item inside the temple he’ll join up with the Legacy of Heroes. While inside the temple, they’re faced together with traps blocking their way, including golems that come to life and attack them, flaming darts shooting out of the wall, and air breathing sharks. Once they get to the treasure, a robot made of stone comes to attack them. Delta uses her power as the Chosen One of Metal to manipulate the robot for a moment so Alicia can use an attack on the robot, but the robot isn’t affected by Alicia’s attack and breaks free from Delta’s control. Delta thinks that maybe a sound attack could defeat the robot. Shout then remembers in his dream the figure called him the Chosen One of Sound. Shout then uses a loud shockwave of sound on the robot which causes it to malfunction allowing Delta to use her powers to break it apart. Shout manages to get the Rune Stone which fixes the damage his new power created. Shout thanks the two for their help and keeps his end of the promise by joining the Legacy of Heroes.

Chapter 3, Extrasensitive: While traveling over a small city, the ship gets a small reading, though it seems strange due to the fact that it’s weak. Extremal and Compact decide to go down for this one. When they get there the town seems to be chatting about something, Extremal shows his rank and asks what everyone is talking about, someone says that a rumor has been going around about someone from royalty having problems is present in this town to visit his father, when Compact asks for his or her name, they’re told to go talk to the oracle. The town’s oracle tells them the visitor is the son of Dark Queen Infra that is feeling depressed lately, he won’t talk to anyone and he’s slightly catatonic only eating when his father gives him food. Extremal goes to see him and he and Compact use telepathy to talk to Extrasensory. Extrasensory says that he’s desperately searching for his place in the world. Compact asks if he had a dream with a red robed figure in it, Extrasensory replies he did and he was called a Chosen One of Psychic. Extremal then says he’ll show Extrasensory what that really means through a battle, Extremal explains he is the Chosen One of Electro-Magnetic and Compact is the Chosen One of Matter. Outside the villagers watch as Extremal, Compact and Extrasensory fight. Extremal shows how he can control EM waves in his magic, while Compact can shape objects with her hand’s motions. Extrasensory after seeing all the amazing things that Extremal and Compact can do, shows his psychic ability and turns the tide against Extremal using Ancient Celestia magic. Extrasensory then decides his place in the world is to fight alongside the other Chosen Ones and he joins the Legacy of Heroes.

Chapter 4; I have an Affinity to search: Admiral Nova notices a massive amount of power on a reading that keeps moving in multiple areas on planet Sanctuary. Nova asks the town what’s going on down there. A local says that a girl from the nearby town went into the forest to explore but hasn’t come back since yesterday. Gadget decides using her knowledge and powers as the Chosen One of Technology she can find her before anything bad happens, despite Extremal being against it due to her young age, Nova says that many people learn from doing things on their own. When Gadget enters the forest, she learns that the girl is located at its center. Meanwhile, the girl known as Affinity Elliot, Craft Elliot’s snappy daughter is fighting for her life as the jungle which is known for little food. Just as she finds a snack, she’s attacked by local predators; luckily she’s got control over certain areas of gravity and manages to keep them down long enough to get away. She is thankful that she became some Chosen One of Gravity or something during that dream. But suddenly a monstrous zombie-like lion appears and attacks her, and what’s worse is that her powers are unable to slow it down leaving her unable to do anything, but luckily Gadget appears and attacks with Cyber Cannon. Gadget tells Affinity to use her jewel and summon her own Nano, Affinity concentrates and summon a Nano called Illusion Force. Using it, she is able to fight back, but even their combined might isn’t enough, until a surprise comes from a Murian girl, who happens to be Anti Karen, Syn’s younger sister who although isn’t a Chosen One has enough power to equal one as she is the Female Chosen Equal. Using the power of her special race she manages to find the weak point of the monster and defeat it. Affinity and Anti then decide to join up with the Legacy of Heroes on Gadget’s request.

Chapter 5; Frequent Cosmetology: The team finds two signals on planet Arcadia, but the main problem is that they’re in a dessert on the planet which has a kind of mineral that makes it impossible to transport any human wearing the homing badge that allows ship transporters to pick someone up. Active says she’ll try to do this mission because she takes environmental survival classes at school. When Active arrives, she meets a pair of twins named Frequent and Cosmic who have been living in this desert their entire lives unknown who their parents (or creators as Active points out due to them being Artificians) are. Active promises them that he’ll get them back to civilization and gives them homing badges saying they will help later. Active then shows them how to get by the desert’s illusions and they manage to get near an area where they can get transported, but unfortunately they disturb a giant scorpion’s nest and get caught into a fight with it. Active soon discovers her energy attacks can’t do anything against the scorpion’s hard shell. Active asks the twins what powers they got in their dreams. Frequent says he was called a Chosen of Time, and Cosmic says she was called a Chosen of Space. Active then says since her attacks do squat, they’ll have to fight. Frequent uses his time powers to slow the scorpion down and Cosmic then teleports them into their area of designation. Active lets Admiral Nova know that transport is possible. On the ship Nova tells Frequent and Cosmic that they’re needed to save the world, the twins agree to help thinking it could help them find their parents/creators and they join the Legacy of Heroes.

Chapter 6; Rocky ocean breeze: Nova gets an SOS signal from planet Nirvana, and by an odd coincidence the next three signals are coming from the same area as the SOS. The triplet sisters and daughters of Saint Queen Aura; Land, Sea, and Sky (Their Chosen elements made obvious by them being Elematrix) are being attacked by a rock beast and need help since they don’t know how to control their powers. Twilight and Isamu decide that their power should help against the rock beast. Isamu manages to inflict serious damage on the rock beast, but the beast keeps getting back up. Even Twilight’s might can’t keep it down. Isamu then realizes that the amount of rock on the beast is acting like a shield; if the rock can be worn down the beast can be defeated. Twilight tells Land, Sea and Sky that with their uncontrollable power their elements can wear down the beast quickly. Sea uses her water powers to take out some of the rock, but her attempt fails. Sky tries the same with her wind powers, but meets the same result. Even Land’s attempt with her Earth powers doesn’t do enough. Isamu then says that maybe if they all attacked at once it would do something. Land, Sea and Sky attack again at once this time and start creating cracks on the rock beast. Isamu and Twilight then attack again breaking the rock beast’s armor making it flee as it is too cowardly to fight defenseless. Land, Sky, and Sea thank the two for their assistance and decide to join the Legacy of Heroes to learn how to use their new powers and be taught how to master them.

Chapter 7; Lightningbolt, Double Trouble, and Firebolt: Nova gets another SOS on planet Shangri-La, but this time it’s full of static and the people in trouble are only able to say a little before they’re cut off. Galaxia decides to go after them as she’s able to pinpoint their location using her spirit powers. Galaxia finds a pair of twins named Firebolt and Lightningbolt, and Tyler and Taylor; the Chosen Ones of Fire and Lightning, and Chosen Ones of Nature and Ice. Right as Galaxia is about to free the four, an evil monster that happens to be the Zombie Lion from the time with Affinity and Gadget appears. The Lion known as Mad Leon says that his master Principia told him to capture the Chosen Ones, and that Galaxia will become his newest trophy. But Galaxia manages to free Firebolt and Lightningbolt, and Tyler and Taylor from a distance and they triple team Mad Leon. Mad Leon says they can’t do anything unless they could hit him with lightning, nature, ice or fire. Galaxia then points out that Firebolt and Lightningbolt, and Taylor and Tyler are the Chosen Ones of Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Nature and that he just gave away his weakness like an idiot. Mad Leon then realizes he just spelt his death with those words. Firebolt and Lightningbolt, and Tyler and Taylor then use their powers and make Mad Leon start to disappear. Galaxia then asks who Principia is, but Mad Leon says that they’ll never beat him since they have a Chosen One on their side. Galaxia gasps at the information as Mad Leon disappears. Back on the ship, Firebolt and Lightningbolt, and Tyler and Taylor join the Legacy of Heroes, while Galaxia gives the news on Principia, but is hesitant to reveal the rest until Alicia reassures her, she then tells about the Chosen One working for him. Admiral Nova says that they must rescue that Chosen One, or it will be the end of them all.

Chapter 8; As Clear as ink: On planet Haven, Admiral Nova receives another SOS, a girl named Clear says that her brother has disappeared since he tried to find her Nano. Nova finds out that Clear is the Chosen One of Light. Clear says that her siblings are also Chosen Ones. Nova tells everyone not to mention that since only 2 Chosen Ones are left, that they can’t mention that one of her siblings is on the Dark Side. Syn says he’ll go help Clear find her brother since everyone else has had a turn helping someone. When Syn gets to the surface, Clear says that her brother Derek went into a forest with terrible life support which will make finding him very difficult. Syn says not to worry as he can fix that. Syn uses his powers to revive the dying forest making it lush and prosperous again. Syn tells Clear now it should be easy to help him. When they get far enough in the forest they get attacked by a Gila monster that is also hybridized with an Abominable Snow Man that calls itself Snow Gila. Clear tells Syn to use his life powers to drain the life from the beast. Syn says his powers can’t take life, it can only restore it, and his powers can’t do much damage since he doesn’t know any offensive magic for his element yet. Clear then says she doesn’t have any offensive use for her element yet either, so in other words, they’re both screwed. But luckily help arrives with Derek, the Chosen One of Twilight, and Clear’s brother comes and scares Snow Gila off. Derek returns Clear’s Nano to her, and the two decide to help out the Legacy of Heroes. On the ship, Derek says that their sister Haze, the Chosen One of Darkness is the last person they need. But noticing their faces when he says that, he asks what’s wrong, Alicia tells them that Haze is helping the Dark Side. Clear says that they’ll save her. Syn learns that Haze was last seen on Planet Le-Utopia, so that’s their next stop.

Chapter 9; Haze of Deception: The team lands on Planet Le-Utopia, only to learn from the locals that Haze has left, but Syn and Anti’s mother was given a note to give to them. It tells them that if they want to find Haze they’ll need to go to Dark Planet Infernia. Admiral Nova lets them know that Infernia is a deadly nightmare which is why they call it a dark planet. And to be totally safe, they should all go together. The team is sent to Infernia where they meet Haze immediately, when Clear and Derek ask why she’s working for evil like she is, her response frightens them. She says she doesn’t care about justice, she has all her new power at her fingertips and can use it anyway she wants. Principia is then revealed to our heroes and he sick’s his master monster against them, a dragon-like creature called Draconian. Draconian proves to be a tough challenge and is only defeated in the end by everyone using a combination attack to knock him unconscious. When Principia sends Haze on them, they have no choice but to avoid attacking. Extrasensory takes a moment to read Principia’s mind and learns that when he destroys everything he’ll take Haze out as well, Extrasensory uses his telepathic powers to show this thought out loud to everyone, when Principia sees what he’s done, he goes to kill Extrasensory, only to find Haze, having heard what he thought, betray him and give him a good sword slash to knock him out. The Chosen Ones leave Infernia and head back to Celestia. Haze apologizes for what she’s done and joins the Legacy of Heroes, Nova then gets a transmission from the one who gave the Chosen Ones their powers and tells them to meet him at Omega City.

Chapter 10; Dreams and Evolution: To pass the time until they make it to Omega City, everyone decides to tell about what their dreams are. Haze says she wants to be the leader of a dojo and teach the art of swordsmanship. Derek wants to take over his father’s business at Casinopolis. Clear wants to become a doctor and heal people because she believes helping people is much better than hurting them. Taylor wants to make the perfect ice cream, one that doesn’t melt, has the perfect temperature, and the tastiest flavors. Tyler wants to be a zoo keeper and hang out with animals. Lightningbolt wants to be a mechanic and help out in ProwerCorp. Firebolt wants to be a fire fighter since her powers can protect her from the flames. Land, Sea and Sky want to become the leaders of the Environmental Protection team so they can keep nature safe. Cosmic wants to be an Astronaut and explore space to see other worlds. Frequent wants to be a researcher and learn about everything that’s happened throughout time. Anti wants to become an Olympic Champion in the Olympic Games. Affinity wants to run a daycare center to take care of kids. Extrasensory says he wants to take over his mother’s job as Dark Queen. Shout says he wants to be a world super famous DJ. Isamu wants to find the identity of his other five siblings. Delta wants to grow taller because she’s very short. Acura wants to take over the MPAB from her father who’s the Star King. Compact wants to marry Extremal and become a Director in the MPAB. Extremal wants to take over the title of Network King from his father. Syn wants to run an orphanage for those without parents. Galaxia wants a starring role on a TV show. Twilight wants to be a Tournament champion. Active wants to take over her father’s role of guarding the Heart Emerald. Gadget wants to take over ProwerCorp from her father. And Alicia wants to become Saint Queen like her grandmother. After they’re all done talking, Admiral Nova tells them that they’re ready to meet the person who gave them their powers. When they head into an alley where they’re going to meet the person, a black card appears and from it appears Harmoni, the one who gave them their powers and the one known as the Devil, after explaining everything Draconian attacks having gotten stronger and bigger. None of their attacks are working and Harmoni has no permission to interfere with Draconian since he didn’t make him. Draconian grabs the heroes and tells them to give up their powers or face death, Alicia who wasn’t grabbed doesn’t know what to do, but her friends encourage her to not give up. Suddenly every Chosen One starts glowing and in a matter of seconds the Zemans evolve into Vicans, while the others gain Victory in their species name. And by a huge surprise, the elements evolve into more powerful forms. Using newfound power, Alicia destroys Draconian for good. Harmoni tells them that they’ll evolve again soon as long as they don’t forget their bonds. When they are beamed back onto the ship, he and Khaos say that the light is shining brighter than ever.
Twilight and Darklight: opposing but equal opposites can always work together if you have the power to make it happen.

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Re: Legacy of Heroes: Storyline
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 01:29:54 PM »

Chapter 11; Vican Mongrels: Principia wants total revenge on Celestia for what Haze did to him earlier. And also for Draconian’s Destruction. But Principia knows that he’ll need something that rivals Celestia’s technology to win, he then remembers a Lifeless Planet known as Omega-Deus who was the first planet to reach Level 20 tech, but eventually destroyed themselves in war. He meets an unknown being who’s looking for a planet in war known as Earth. Principia tells him he can’t find it because it’s currently known as Planet Celestia. The being heads to that area and finds Celestia. The Ancient Being calls for the world’s leaders to engage communication with him. Aura, Infra, Comet and Charge initiate communications with this being, where it is revealed to be a robot called the Ancient Being. The robot says that fifty years ago he saw this planet at war, and he has decided it must be destroyed as a result. Aura argues with him that the war has since stopped and wars are forbidden on the planet, and this planet is the mother of all planets, including the one he’s from and if it’s destroyed life will eventually cease to exist. The Ancient Being does not believe anything they’re saying as Principia told him everything. Infra tells the robot that he’s being lied to, Principia is a destroyer of worlds. The Ancient Being, once again, does not believe their words. Charge has no choice but to have Admiral Nova send the Legacy of Heroes to stop this crazy robot. The robot says he will accept the challenge if someone comes out into space without protection knowing that no species has the ability to breathe in space. Alicia, knowing the risks goes out of the ship without her friends consent. The Ancient Being is shocked that the girl is putting herself at risk. Alicia then starts to feel the effects of having no air available and starts choking, but Khaos suddenly appears and tells Alicia that her strong bonds have granted her a reward. Khaos forces evolution onto the Vicans making them evolve into Arcans, and giving the other species Arc in their species name. Alicia stops choking and feels as if she was breathing in oxygen even though there’s no air in space. The Ancient Being simply tries to crush Alicia, but he fails against the new power Alicia possesses. Alicia uses her strongest attack and destroys the Ancient Being. Principia gets extremely irritated by this and smashes his grape juice on the floor.

Chapter 12; Tiny Tricks: Principia thinks up a new plan to destroy the Chosen Ones for sure. He creates a monster that can shrink his size to microscopic levels and hide in solid objects. The Legacy of Heroes meet this creature many times, but it always gets away before they can finish it no matter what they do, even Extrasensory’s psychic powers can’t stop him from shrinking. Luckily the heroes come up with a plan that makes it impossible to escape. They create an arena that prevents his power to merge with solids which he uses to escape from them. When the creature known as Invisix gets caught they try to finish him off, but they still have trouble with his microscopic size change and he keeps avoiding their attacks. Luckily Harmoni appears and releases a genetic mutation that allows them to evolve into Excans, and gives the other species Exceed in their name. They now have the ability to see things that are microscopic and can see areas that they aren’t actually at as if they were there. Invisix tries to finish them off again unknown to their new powers, but that leads to his downfall by Syn’s hands. Principia is then seen ranting about how all his plans make those stupid Chosen Ones evolve further. Gadget then learns from her father he’s developing a powerful DNA that will allow them to evolve even faster soon. Admiral Nova decides that the heroes are ready to get their own Animus, but due to various reasons only Alicia, Twilight, and Galaxia are the only ones who can both want one and get one; so she takes them to get their Animus at a local Animus adoption center. Only once they get there, a plant monster comes to attack the Animus. Alicia goes on the offensive, but the monster can’t be pierced by a weapon due to some of Principia’s magic seals. Though a Animus sees Alicia’s bravery and joins her in battle, since a weapon can’t pierce this monster the Cheetah Animus known as Velocity uses her teeth to cut the monster exposing its vulnerable core. Alicia uses his strongest attack against the core and stops the monster. Alicia picks Veloctiy as her Animus and the others get their own. Principia ends the chapter saying that he’s close to reviving the Destroyer.

Chapter 13; De-Gravify part 1: Principia manages to find a fragment of the Destroyer, giving him more power. With his new power, he decides to attack Celestia by himself. When he arrives he unleashes a spell affecting the amount of gravity on the planet to make it ten times stronger. He then finds the Legacy of Heroes and tells them of his plan to revive Emporia. When Alicia asks why he would do such a thing, Principia says that Emporia is his ‘father’ and that he was given the mission to bring him back by assembling his fragments. Right as Principia is finished; he summons his six greatest champions, known as Dark Materia Red, Dark Materia Orange, Dark Materia Yellow, Dark Materia Green, Dark Materia Blue, and Dark Materia Purple to fight against the Heroes as he watches not wanting to dirt his hands. The heroes try to fight under the intense gravity, but fail to do so. While the heroes are fighting against the Materias, Dr. Prower tries to find one last thing to complete the E-DNA to help her daughter and her friends, he almost about to give up until, he realizes that the source must be human adaptability, he manages to implement his idea into the E-DNA and completes it creating a evolution wave that starts evolution again. Back on the battle field, Principia notices a wave and realizes the mongrels have found a way to evolve on their own. The Excans evolve into Synans, while the others gain Syn in their names. Principia laughs as they can’t do anything if they can’t even stand up, and he stops laughing when he learns that the Legacy of Heroes can now defy gravity, knowing that he’ll be in trouble if he stays, Principia uses his Emporia fragment to make an escape knowing that he cannot beat the Legacy of heroes this time.

Chapter 14; Little brothers: Alicia is called home when she learns that her mother is having her baby brother. She and some of her friends rush to the hospital to meet her mother there where she’s having the baby. When Alicia gets there she meets her grandparents Mach and Sapphire and her ancestor Olivie. After a little discussion between her ancestor and her grandparents and Delta’s older sisters, her mother Amy has her baby brother born. Amy tells Alicia that she wants her to name her little brother. Alicia decides to date her little brother Arashi Asclepius Turbine. After that, Syn gets a phone call from his mother that their father just died. Alicia then comforts Syn telling him that she will always be there for him.

Book 2

Chapter 15; Time skip: It's been four years since Arashi was born and Alicia has evolved from a Synan into an Alphan (the side stories will show the other evolutions). The little tyke never wants to leave his sisters side. But when his sister Alicia is called back for action in the Legacy of Heroes, she is told by Admiral Nova to bring her brother with her, she starts to suspect that her brother has some kind of special power. Alicia reunites with all of her friends under the circumstances that Principia has returned after his yearly break. Arashi ask what all of this stuff is about due to him only being four years old and not truly understanding this stuff. Alicia wonders if the rainbow light that the doctor saw on Arashi four years ago when he was born means anything. With Principia, he and his minions the materia have found the third fragment of Emporia. And now the heroes will soon be powerless to stop them. The chapter ends with Principia giving a maniacal laugh.

Chapter 16; Cruel Tentacles: The group runs into dark materia red. No one's happy to see him. He signed for a little unhealthy fun by summing a great tentacle monster to attack them. The tentacle monster subdues most of the team however Sea is able to get under the water, but even underwater the great tentacle monster can still try to find her. But by a major surprise Arashi somehow by sheer dumb luck manages to take the great tentacle monster down. Dark materia red laughs at this foolish attempt and says try better next time. Admiral Nova tries to figure out Arashi's mysterious powers.

Chapter 17; Generation Beta: The heroes trying to learn more about Arashi's powers from Khaos and Harmoni. They however learn that they will learn about it on their own in time. As they’re talking Principia causes more trouble when he finds the fourth Emporia fragment. Back on Celestia Alicia gets disturbing vision of Principia's terror. The legacy of heroes decides it's time to take action and stop Emporia for good by stopping Principia first. Suddenly the power of E-DNA is provoked passing the evolutions of the Alphans into Betans. Later that night Arashi has a strange stream, when he asks his sister about this in the morning she has no clue on what happened to him. Arashi starts believing that he might be part of something special just like his sister Alicia is. With Principia he gives his dark materia the fragments of Emporia telling them that they will all be part of his grand revival.

Chapter 18; Trouble Comes near: Principia manages to find the fifth fragment of Emporia and soon Infernia starts releasing a powerful waves that start affecting Celestia, but not in a bad way as it provokes the E-DNA to evolve the Betans into Gammans. Principia does not care about this as when he gathers all the fragments nothing shall stop them. All of a sudden Admiral Nova tells Alicia that the reason behind Arashi's visions is because Arashi has a high magical potential and high mana reserves, he also has the power to use the pre-evolved forms of each element. This leads to conclusions that Arashi may be a Chosen One. Khaos and Harmoni however tell them it is not true, but that does not mean Arashi isn’t part of something big, but they won't tell them until they’ve evolved some more.

Chapter 19; The Countdown Is Coming: Principia is almost to his ultimate goal as he obtains the sixth Emporia fragment, the chosen ones knowing they must stop them decide to attack him at seven fragment’s location. When Principia arrives he sends out his dark materia to attack the chosen ones. But since all six dark materia have an Emporia fragment they are soon overpowered and defeated. Principia gains the final fragment and with it he uses with the fragments and his six dark materia to form dark materia rainbow. Dark Materia Rainbow now says that he will destroy this world.

Chapter 20; Power up: Dark Materia Rainbow decides to finish off the chosen ones painfully and slowly. But Arashi will not allow this and he attacks Emporia for attacking his big sister, Dark Materia Rainbow than decides to finish off Arashi first. However this will prove to be his greatest mistake, and Alicia's anger provokes the E-DNA once more causing the Gammans to evolve into Deltans. And using their new powers Alicia and Syn combine Magical Tempest and Mystical Tempest to make Mystical Magical, using the powers of Holy and Reality they manage to destroy Dark Materia Rainbow, however they do not know that Dark Materia Rainbow has split into seven pieces. The battle is not over yet, as a gift Khaos and Harmoni provoke the E-DNA so that the Deltans evolve into Sigmans, telling them that they now have the power to fuse and defuse together. Meanwhile the fragments of Dark Materia Rainbow grew into seven individuals known as the Emporia Peccatis; Superbia, Luxuria, Ira, Invidia, Desidia, Gastrimargiae, and Avaritia. Superbia remarks it's only the beginning.
Twilight and Darklight: opposing but equal opposites can always work together if you have the power to make it happen.

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Re: Legacy of Heroes: Storyline
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 01:30:54 PM »

Book 3

Chapter 21; Lusting Desires: Emporia Peccatis Luxuria decides a cause some mayhem to signal return of Emporia. When the legacy of heroes show up they ask who she is, she tells them that she is Emporia Peccatis Luxuria. When Extremal asked how that's possible, Luxuria says that they were unable to destroy Dark Materia Rainbow, they just fragmented him. The legacy of heroes fights her, but she manages to pin them all down as if she was stronger than Dark Materia Rainbow. With Alicia the only one left standing and Arashi hiding by a rock, Alicia decides to take her on by herself, but even the powerful Alicia is no match for Luxuria. Seeing his sister’s distress Arashi shouts words to encourage her which to provoke the E-DNA to evolve once again. The Sigmans evolve into Omegans, with newfound power Alicia fights Luxuria once more, and this time she overpowers Luxuria even when she is using her malefic sin form and destroys her. Khaos and Harmoni then reveal that Arashi was chosen to become the nexus precursor, and that it will be fully explained in about ten millennia. Superbia senses his comrade’s destruction and says that Alicia is falling right into their trap.

Chapter 22; Extinction or Evolution: The Emporia Peccatis decide to use their greatest weapon to exterminate all life in the sol solar system. However one of the Animus from the legacy of heroes tells them about this device. But despite their efforts they can’t destroy it. In last-ditch attempt Alicia tries to fly the system out of the solar system which in turn would save everyone but herself. This however does not work because its range is too large to get away from in time, but Olivie manages to support her allowing Alicia to use the last of her power to cause evolution, making the Omegans evolve into Finalans, and the rest of the species gain final in their species name, without the species that were supposed to be destroyed the machine can no longer do anything except waste its power. Superbia smashes his grape juice on the floor and says he will get those chosen ones yet. Meanwhile, Alicia spawns a creature known as a Synchro Nano going by the name Accel. Alicia manages to defeat her and make her obey her.

Chapter 23; Gastrointestinal shenanigans: Gastrimargiae decides to attack the heroes as revenge for destroying Luxuria. So he tries to eat all the food in the world to attract them. The Legacy of Heroes show up in front of him only for him to use his malefic sin form by fusing with everything he ate, becoming a colossal monster hoping to overpower them with his sheer size. Accel tells Alicia she might be able to give her the boost she needs to win. Alicia gains new power when Accel reacts with her giving her the edge she needs to take Gastrimargiae out with a bang. With Superbia, he remarks that the clock has begun to turn faster.

Chapter 24; Demeany Greedy: Avaritia decides to put his plot in motion, and starts by stealing gemstones thinking even though money does not exist anymore they will have a lot of value. When Adm. Nova wonders why he would steal gemstones in the first place, Extremal deduces that may he might try to use the forced fusion with the gemstones to create a powerful malefic sin form as each malefic sin form is created depending on which sin the Peccatis is based off of. Luxuria is based off of lust so she fused with her minions, and Gastrimargiae fused with food he ate since he’s Gluttony. Since Avaritia is based off of greed, he says you can finish the math there. Avaritia then does what Extremal predicted and uses the forced fusion with the gemstones creating a hard armor around him. Most of the chosen ones attacks don't work on him now, but Firebolt and Taylor come up with a combo. Taylor freezes him and Firebolt shoots a fireball, at first it seems like it does nothing, but then it's revealed that it's causing his armor to crack. This leaves an opening to destroy him. Superbia starts saying that they're playing right into his hand.

Chapter 25; Sloth on Wrath: Desidia and Ira come to fight the chosen ones, and for a complete surprise they use the forced fusion on each other. With the overwhelming power of two Peccatis working together the chosen ones are no match, but during the battle they noticed that sometimes the combined Peccatis gets tired. Gadget deduces that since Desidia is based off of sloth her laziness is affecting Ira. After waiting a moment for the fused Peccatis to get tired, everyone fires their strongest attack together on them taking them both out. Superbia then says that his goal is only one step away.

Chapter 26; Mean with Envy: Wanting to avenge his comrades, Invidia does a massive forced fusion with all the hate he can find. As he's about to face the heroes, Superbia shows up and destroys him. Superbia says that his plan has been completed. He then reveals something very disturbing to the heroes, Emporia's heart. The heroes try to stop him after he reveals that he's going to revive Emporia even stronger than before by fusing with the remains of the other Peccatis and Emporia’s heart, but Superbia uses the Trinity Emeralds (The new Chaos Emeralds) to knock them all down. Superbia returns to planet Infernia and uses the forced fusion on his comrades remained and Emporia's heart and planet Infernia itself, his last words are ‘in six years my reign will be supreme.’, Back on Celestia, Nova tells them that the final battle is coming.

Chapter 27; Bonds of Truth, the Final Faceoff: Superbia’s six year wait has ended, and he has become Emporia Mortem. Back on Celestia, the people are ready to fight one last battle. Nova tells the chosen ones if they choose to fight this battle they may not come back alive, none of them object this battle but Alicia tells Arashi to stay behind due to his inexperience. Emporia Mortem starts his reign of terror but Celestia fights back. During the battle Emporia Mortem reveals his latest minions, creatures known as Antimattan, these new minions are very strong and most of the population is having a very hard time against them. Alicia then thinks that maybe the way to truly stop Emporia Mortem is to face him head-on. Adm. Nova says that not all of them can go, in fact only a little amount of them can go. Alicia decides the go face Emporia Mortem head-on by herself. After flying to planet Infernia, Alicia sees Emporia Mortem at his super powerful machine of doom. Alicia fights hard throughout the battle and the tide keeps changing as the battle goes on between her and Emporia Mortem, but the problem is she cannot seem to find his weak spot and defeat him. Having no choice she uses her Final Reality Striker. But even that isn't enough to defeat Emporia Mortem, and Emporia Mortem does something so cruel. He breaks Magical Tempest. This is the last straw for Alicia and she snaps letting her rage take over her making her Dark Alicia. But this proves to be a fatal mistake as now Emporia Mortem has the upper hand as Alicia is too angry to fully concentrate. Back on Celestia, Arashi senses his sister’s distress and lets everyone know that she is losing this battle. Extrasensory senses that magical Tempest has been destroyed and Alicia's anger has been released. Syn then realizes what he must do in order to save this world and every other world that exists. Syn creates a link from his mind to Alicia's, and then all of the chosen ones transfer some of their power into Alicia allowing her to steal the Trinity emeralds from Emporia Mortem and achieve her super form. In one last ditch attempt, Emporia Mortem tries firing his ultimate weapon at Alicia, and makes a direct hit but Alicia will not give up despite the pressure on her and uses all the energy she has left to summon the ultimate attack: Enigmatic Crusher. Even with the two powerful attacks hitting each other they are stuck in a stalemate. Syn does the one thing he can think of to turn the tide; he tells Alicia he loves her. Alicia is shocked to hear this and somehow manages to overpower Emporia Mortem’s attack. Emporia Mortem is obliterated without a trace. Alicia manages to get back to Celestia and collapses in front of her friends. Alicia wakes up in the hospital a week later; Syn gives her good news and bad news. The good news is that Emporia Mortem has been destroyed forever, but the bad news is that Alicia had been hurt so bad during the battle she can never fight again and Magical Tempest will take some years to be repaired, and when she is repaired she will not remember Alicia at all. Alicia is sad that her friend Magical Tempest would never return, but she's happy that all the toughness is over.

Chapter 28; When One Story Ends another One Begins: Alicia has finally gotten out of the hospital. Now that Emporia Mortem is gone, everyone is finally starting their dreams. But Alicia wonders about hers, but out of Nowhere, Saint Queen Aura comes up to her and tells her that she would be better for the position of Saint Queen as she has more courage than anyone she's ever seen as her three daughters have said. A month later, Aura gives a speech about her time as Queen and says while she has managed to do great things for society she has started to run out of ideas and she believes she is no longer fit to be the ruler of the world of Celestia. She then announces that it brings her great joy to announce the next Saint Queen, Alicia Kerykeion Turbine. After the ceremony, Syn comes up to Alicia and asks her to be his bride, Alicia accepts while crying tears of joy.
Twilight and Darklight: opposing but equal opposites can always work together if you have the power to make it happen.
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