SegaSonic Station/SVT Comics > The Chili Dog Stand (General Discussion)

On the shoulders of Giants


Physics, Math, Chemistry and more.  Lately I've been absorbing information at an extreme rate, still trying to work on college classes that I can afford and fit into my active duty schedule.  Also, I'm putting my computer desk and small library selection out here to some serious work.  Anybody else obsessed with education?  Also, where's everybody at in terms of education?  I figure this'll be kind of a fun topic to find what everybody likes studying.

Personally I've got some college credits, and graduated High School with a 3.4 GPA.  As for what I enjoy, well, if you look at my desk you'll find a three monitor desktop set up, and an end table that goes around the corner with a goliath laptop on it, you'll find a TI-89, a slide rule, and the books in immediate reach are "String Theory" and "Physics".

(Yeah, I kind of quoted Stephen Hawking in the title of the topic).

High School graduate 2005, working a night shift job, enjoyed learning greek and norse mythologies in school, still intrigued by egyptian myths.

To my right are my Sonic Plush and a stuffed Teddy Bear my late grandfather got me when I was a baby.

To my left, Basilisk Collectors Edition, Outlaw Star Box Set.

And my copy of "On the shoulders of giants" by Stephen Hawking just showed up today.  Still looking into a college course for a B.S. in C.S. that doesn't suck.  Given my A.D. status I may have to settle for UMUC for now.


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